
Phoebe and Cole 4 eva.

I'll allow it!

Without having done any research on the issue, I would doubt that "Nazism" - in the sense of adopting the literal rhetoric or symbolism of the Third Reich has any following in Russia or that, if it does, it is an extreme and very quiet niche.

In a surprise twist of masterful diplomacy that none of us saw coming, Trump's plan all along was to send the entire American alt-right/white supremacist/Nazi contingent to Russia in exchange for the diplomatic corps that Putin just announced he's sending back!

How these peoples brains don't just explode trying to simultaneously contain these totally and completely inconsistent positions amazes me. How are they not brought low by crippling cognitive dissonance?

Also, let's not forget. Our Nazi-supporting president is literally a reality TV star. So, to the extent there ever was a distinction, there certainly is not anymore.

I could imagine him being bored with the role when Winter Soldier happened, especially given the that movie gave him a nice excuse to take a break, but that's been 3+ years ago now.

I do that with horror movies because I"m a big fraidy cat and actually watching horror movies over-excites my fragile little imagination, but sometimes I really want to know what happens in them anyway.

This season has slacked pretty hard on the tits angle, and even harder on the butts and dongs.

To the extent that Sean has already made this joke/observation, it doesn't count as a leak when HBO themselves actually air it mistakenly.

(Know how I know you haven't watched SHIELD in a long time?)

On the outside chance that Nick Fury is somehow not in these movies, the only explanation I can come up with is that somehow Jackson really pissed off someone way up in the Marvel food chain and everyone has gone to great lengths to keep it quiet.

Sorry you don't have a soul. That must be sad for you.

I will suffer no slander of Man With the Golden Gun! How dare you, sir!

At least Quantum had the excuse of being pushed through production amidst a writer's strike. What the fuck excuse does Spectre have? And how do you so completely blow the opportunity to showcase Waltz as a Bond villain?!? Kind of unforgivable.

Can we get a Bond/Penny Dreadful crossover? Like, I know both Vanessa Ives and Vesper Lynd are "technically" both dead, but surely there's a way to completely ignore that in this film series.

Fortunately for Lea, she comes from an outrageously wealthy family. She could've done literally nothing with her life and just comments on pop culture websites while sliding ever closer towards oblivion. Instead, like the Mara sisters, she is also extremely attractive and gifted with sufficient talent to be able to

Also, and I don't see why this seems to be so hard for people to wrap their heads around, but Man In the High Castle started airing in a completely different political climate. Whether good or bad, to start a show like that now is viewed with extremely different optics than it was then.

They should open up a brewery and name all of their beers after famous ones. "The One Ring Porter" "Marcellus Wallace's Soul Pale Ale" I'll accept other suggestions in the responses.

I honestly can't tell if you're serious. "MacGuffins bar in the premise" sounds like a joke.