
Wait, what? I pay $10/month and I can see a movie (if I want to) literally every single day at participating theaters?

In retrospect, this was the far superior response to this question.

Just a typo. This is all season three.

This is exactly the kind of news I need to help make me smile after today's shitshow. I looooooove everything about this, and I can't wait to see Rebecca Bunch scorned.

The very, very, very last thing anyone should want is for him to be assassinated. Extraordinary, horrible violence would immediately result. I hate Donald Trump, and if his blackened excuse for a heart stopped, I would not mourn his passing, but his violent death at the hands of anyone that could be branded "enemy"

What do you call being dragged face-down in the gravel behind a bandwagon?

Flag and block, people. Flag and block.

It feels odd to upvote this comment, but think of it as a supportive-hug-type upvote, rather than an I'm glad you said that upvote.

It's one of life's most putrid experiences, prompted by one of life's most putrid people.

That press conference could be the real beginning of the end. What a completely insane disaster. No one even attempting to appeal to anything other than Nazis could possibly support that nightmare.

Oh Vampire CHRONICLES. I was trying to make that vampire diaries and all I got was wincest.

By comparing George Washington to Robert E. Lee?

Imagine that scene at the beginning where Amy Adams is in the bathtub, only it's Ben Affleck in the bathtub.

Those are some oddly specific buttons. Especially for you!

And they actively are Nazis, too!

We have a lot of in jokes around here, but this is by far our worst, most tired, and least funny.

To be honest, the fact that they're both Asian is pretty novel.

After "San Junipero", I also have given Mackenzie Davis a free pass for the time being, so I should try it on that basis, alone.

I definitely didn't confuse it with that show, which ran for 80 seasons, many of which were long after it reached its expiration date.

Wait this show is still happening? I thought it caught fire and burned away a few seasons ago. Weird.