On the other hand, the president.
On the other hand, the president.
Never has a more controversial opinion been posted to this website than a couple hours ago when MLA admitted she doesn't like avocados.
The name you were looking for is "Josh Trank."
Perfect username/comment synergy.
I think 500 Days (of Summer) is one of those fascinating movies where what the author intended and what he actually made are so completely at odds with each other than it's actually funny, and remains a great example of why you shouldn't take as a given what an author "tells you" a movie/book/song/etc. means.
Right, that's sort of why I have a disconnect. For you (or someone like you), who is over GoT, it makes sense to slaughter the sacred calf. Jones is clearly very much still in it, so her unbridled enthusiasm is a little at odds with it.
Reading Ernie's responses to that concern were amazing. "You're wrong about how you want to interact in comments, and you'll learn to like it or you can just piss off."
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Clickbait on fire off the shoulder of Jalopnik. I watched nested comments ignored in the dark near the Gizmodo RSS feed. All those keystrokes will be lost in time, like replies not responding to an article. Time to post."
They're called stars now, disqus pleb.
That's just the kinja speaking. It will pass be here forever.
That's not ironic, Alanis!
If you really want to indulge in the weird firm-yet-squishy texture of avocados, go to a boba place that makes avocado smoothies from fresh avocados.
I feel like there's some gap in Marah's enjoyment of her tweets that I'm not able to bridge. How is calling Olenna a real gangsta or observing that dire wolves are big dogs "some of the wittiest, most off-the-wall insights" anyone is making about the show?
That guy did not have an easy job at the outset, but he somehow managed to make it much, much worse.
So to cure kinja, all we have to do is undergo an extremely painful, totally unsanitary surgery?
I've never been both so impressed and so upset by a gimmick account before. I desperately want to upvote you, but, knowing what that represents, I hesitate.
I sort of I feel like "Snow Crash" has suffered the awkward fate of, despite being way ahead of its time, by not being adapted earlier, coming across as derivative instead of pioneering.
No no no. Not even close.
I feel like Heroes having a hero named Hiro pushed "Snow Crash" way down the list of adaptations, and then Ready Player One planted a flag on its corpse.
I was watching an episode of The Office last night, and I swear to god there was shot of Erin in Florida that was shot on green screen. It looked totally bizarre and I can't believe they couldn't find a random yard in Pasadena or something to use as a stand in.