dan caffrey

"You are SUCHTH an assthhhole."

Cupid Meeeeeee!

I see what you're saying, but I don't think they established that he (Garrison) wanted to lose until "The Damned." And for me, it feels tonally off to match up every other aspect of his character with the current Trump except for that one thing. I would have been fine with them inventing something new or using another

You might be right. And that would be somewhat of a letdown. A self-aware trolling is still a trolling.

I do feel all warm and fuzzy whenever they say "Memba???" South Park's always excelled at that kind of grotesque yet just as cute version of a Disney character (Underpants Gnomes, etc.)

I didn't know how to spell them! But they were great.


In all honesty, I'm grateful to be able to write about both, and, for all its flaws, I still wish Vinyl hadn't gotten canceled. Still lots to talk about within that show. Also, I was actually on the South Park beat first, so I could never see it as a demotion. Of all the series I've covered for AVC, it's probably my

Really nice work here. Looking back, I wish I had talked more about love in my review. Sometimes I get more swept up in the horror (not sure what that says about me), and the show's just as much about emotion as it is evil. All of this info in the comments section (especially the religious elements) is going to be

Hmmm…interesting. I mean, I hope it's 8 or 13, just to give us evidence that the show's doing well and might be coming back. Then again, I could see the first season (like many first seasons) ending at 6. It seems that they're about to get to the grand finale, which will probably last two episodes.

I thought it sorta looked good until it hit the floor. Also, between this episode and the Ortolan-eating scene in Hannibal, I wonder if there's an AVC Inventory to be written about Scenes Where Birds Are Eaten Whole.

Me, too! Thanks for reading.

Wow, this is pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing! I typed this in response to another commenter below, but my knowledge of Catholic symbolism and rituals is really sparse. So if there's anything I may have missed in the story because of that, I love hearing about it. Although, I still find the sequence rushed, knowing

Ah, good ol' Ogunquit. That's where Frannie and her dad live, right? And Harold, I guess. Yuck.

And I appreciate you reading! Hoping the readership and comments section continues to grow.

I'm reeeaaally hoping The Exorcist doesn't get canceled. It seems like the type of show that will truly reward viewers in the long run.

Hi there! I do read the comments, and I do like engaging with commenters. However, I'm not going to debate you point for point on what Parker and Stone are trying to say. For one, I don't think it will be completely clear until the end of the season, and two, I have my opinion and you have yours. Maybe I'm right.

There's still time!

Ha! Maybe I stole it from you, just like Trump stole the slogan from Reagan, who stole it from Nixon… The nostalgia never ends!

I almost noted this in the Stray Observations, but figured Trump would come up more prominently in coming episodes, so I refrained. But what the hey.