dan caffrey

I did enjoy that exchange, although it was in a sad-but-true kind of way. I wonder if Trump watches South Park. I feel like he watches everything that references him.

Gah! Sorry, crossed my wires with the Gobbledy identity shift that went down that night. Updated the text to correct it. Thanks!

Yes, a million times. I went back to Florida this past weekend and actually reconnected with a couple friends who voted for Trump. Maybe it's because the bond was already there, but we were actually able to talk about our viewpoints in a way that wasn't hurtful. We heard each other out. It felt good. You know what

Oh, and one more point on this to EVERYONE (self included). I know the comments section here can get a little crazy. I can't think of another show that we review on AVC that allures readers from so many different walks of life and political viewpoints. Because of that, it actually makes the comments a prime forum for

I don't think it's apathetic. I actually think your "that's adorable" comment about AVClub commenters is part of what I'm getting at. That's the hubris.

Whoops! You're right. I made it Bannon in my mind after seeing him in the beginning. I'll fix it.

I'm also wondering if the only thing that can kill a Member Berry is another Member Berry.

I certainly hope it's not the last! I also like that they're mixing up the tone and inflection. I'm looking forward to more variations on it. Thanks for the observations, and for commenting, as always.

My favorite thing was the tiny vice!

AND it was the Red Line during a Cubs game, which doubles the ick factor. With the train though, you could always pull that emergency rope thing, but depending on if you're at a station or not, you still may not be able to get off. And yeah, that train from a couple episodes ago looked like it was between Addison and

But I also wonder if the demon and the rituals that make the room dirty. Even in the original Exorcist, Regan's bedroom went from a regular kid's room to looking like a putrid freezer by the end of the film. Or maybe the Rance's just didn't want to ruin the good bedspread.


It's happened before, and it ain't pretty!

It's definitely growing on me. I'm on pins and needles to see where they're going to take it.

Disagree! Captain, you should have respect for all great American cities.

Thanks for the info! Yeah, like most folks, I'm familiar with mea culpa and what it means, but never knew the direct translation. Definitely post your review here once it's up so we can all check it out.

Same here!

Ooo, I may have to pick that up. Does the Director's Cut restore some of the stuff that was cut from the movie, but appears in the novel? Even without it, The Exorcist III is such an underrated sequel.

It was only two incorrect Marcuses, and no one notified me. We write these things really late sometimes, so there are little errors here and there. I always check them in the morning to correct them. Thanks for the Chris correction!

We completely disagree about the Access Hollywood footage then, but regardless, the "brags about forcing himself upon women" was in reference to Garrison's standup routine, not the Trump tape.