dan caffrey

Thanks! Re: the discordance, I know that's always been a part of Luhrmann's work, but it just works less well for me in the context of life in 1970s New York/disco/the birth of hip-hop, etc., as opposed to, say, a Shakespeare story or something like Moulin Rouge. With both of those and Strictly Ballroom (haven't seen

Touche. Sorry I got that wrong, and I'll pay better attention to that sort of thing in future episodes. Fixed!

But they may not be that way. Like I said, I've only watched one episode so far. It wasn't like Josh wrote his pre-air and they made sure to find a critic who held his same viewpoint. In fact, I was already slated to write these reviews before he did the pre-air.

I'm just wondering if we can get sex and violence without gangsters! Unless it's The Sopranos or The Wire or something, of course.

Sorry, but liking the thing you're supposed to review isn't a prerequisite for AVC critics, or any critic, I would hope. Also, I pitched to review this based on the trailer. Also-also, I've only watched one episode, so who knows? Maybe I will warm up to it down the line.

Actually, Trump's been involved with politics since the '80s and previously ran for president in 2000. I don't think Decker's satirizing his persona from those years, but Heidecker's blatantly said that he's adjusted the character to embody Trump's viewpoints. Of course, that's also inspired by the right-wing nature

Watched it again, and indeed you are right. I'll correct it. I'd admittedly have to do a lot more research before I took any kind of strong position on the issue, and if I write any FOTB reviews next season, I don't at all want readers thinking I'm trying to endorse a specific political viewpoint about something I

There's been a huge debate for decades over whether or not Taiwan is part of China, but I don't think using both words in this review is incorrect, since they refer to themselves as traveling to both places—China in the broad sense and Taiwan in the more specific sense. It'd be like if I said "I can't wait to go to

That's a good idea. While I doubt we would do regular coverage or anything, there's definitely something to be mined there in terms of real-life Eddie Huang versus fictional Eddie Huang. I don't mean comparing the personalities, necessarily, but delving deeper into the topic of his original intent with the show and

But that's what I'm trying to remember: in Jessica's scenes with Alison and Audrey, did they talk about Eddie or something else?

Well, color me embarrassed. Fixed! Thanks for the correctionary. Corrective. Correction.

AVC freelancer Dan Caffrey here. Randomly read this, and just wanted to say that I went to school in Tallahassee (was there just last week for a wedding), and you're right—that is a huge leap for Tally. And I say that with no disrespect to the city, as I loved attending college there. Glad to see things moving forward.

Whoops, you're right! I'll correct it. I've always been terrible about keeping track of watches, so while I knew Timex was a brand, I wasn't sure if that was a real model. Love all the period details on the show.

The appearance of the watches isn't discreet, but the switch-out is meant to be—as in the characters replace the missing watches without anyone else knowing.

Thanks for reading! And for all my problems with the show, I still hope it comes back for a second season and that I'll be reviewing it. As a music geek (especially for the '70s), I feel like I'll always come back to the show for that. If they can get the story and characters in line, then I could see it being great

Learning so many things about Chuck Negron that I wish I hadn't…

Thanks for reading, and for sharing your own thoughts!

Noted! I'll make sure to include it in the playlist.

First two albums are fantastic, imo, and Nightcrawler would have been perfect if he had kept it at like 10 songs instead of 16 and swapped out the studio version of "Bandstand In The Sky" with the more rockabilly live one. After that, you can skip "Back & Fourth," but his self-titled is solid, if somewhat disposable.

Whoops! I'll fix it. While I don't care for some of Yorn's stuff ("Back & Fourth" is a snooze, as is the new one, from what I've heard), I'll always keep his first three albums in pretty heavy rotation. Lyrically, he's nothing to write home about, but the dude knows his way around a hook, and he knows how to add some