dan caffrey

Ooo, good point. I hadn't even thought of that. Off the top of my head, I think he's the only living one. Actually, wait, Little Richard is still. He might be the only other surviving musician outside of Bennett.

As recently as a few episodes ago, no less!

Love Taffer! If you tweet that at him, he'll probably tweet back in confusion.

Ha, I had forgotten about seeing The Ramones in the audience. Definitely a little on-the-nose. And although I tend to love the fever dreams, I appreciate all of your observations. I really do think the show has a ton of potential in its second season.

Glad to hear! I was wondering if the music section would be a valuable tool or not, but it looks like everyone finds it useful. It's also an education for me, as I don't recognize every song by a long shot. It's fun to dig in to the soundtrack and do my research of my own.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'll do better next time. I'll spend the summer at the beach with a record player next to me, trying desperately not to get sand in the grooves of the LPs.

Yeah, it makes sense that disco would take off like that, but I hope we hear a wider range of songs next year. "Kill The Lights" is great though.

Thanks much! I appreciate that the show explores old-school R&B/doo-wop so much, but it's also the genre I know the least about. Also, those songs were covered so much that I often have a hard time tracking down which version it is. Funny you bring up Jackie Wilson—I'm from New Jersey originally, and I had no idea he

Maybe not on their own, but I think it would certainly be possible with the help of a high-power record exec like Richie. The fact that it was staged is what lent realism to it, at least for me.

Yeah, promoting a punk band back then is admirable, but there's no way it would've been a good business practice. Not that that matters—respect would surely come down the line.

Thank you much! And not a cheap shot at all, but a very entertaining comment. Also, been meaning to ask, is your username a reference to the 'Mats song?

Guys, we can all be right and just says it's Temple Of The Dog.

Yeah, I'll have to rewatch again for sure.

That's what I'm wondering: if the show's having Richie purposely make all the wrong decisions, even as he sobers up.

What's sadder is that my parents are hardcore Springsteen fans. So of course, as soon as I heard it on the radio as an 11-year-old, my dad pointed out that this wasn't actually a Maniacs song. But the damage had been done.

Sorry for mixing that up, guys. I'll have an Editor fix it!

And hey (Joe), looks like AVC even has an article about the many iterations of "Hey Joe." I'll link to it in the copy as well:

Hmmm, wondering if I should put that in the Stray Observations!

Ah, I did not know that about "Hey Joe." Fixed! Personally, I don't think they're going to go with Jobriath, although he's certainly inspired by him. And we'll have to agree to disagree on Devon's reaction for now (on a plane, so I'll rewatch it once I've landed).

You win, Spider-Man! I actually went back and forth between using that word in the headline because I was worried someone would misread it. Also, can you do that cool thing with your eyes from the Civil War trailer?