dan caffrey

Stephen Malkmus! Or rather, Pavement/Stephen Malkmus. What's yours?

Apologies for the lateness, but Sunday night is double duty for me, as I review The Walking Dead over at Comic Book Resources. Since season six ended in unbearably shitty fashion last night, however, the last two Vinyl reviews should be going up a little earlier than usual. Also, the soundtrack section on Vinyl tends

I also accidentally typed Billy's name as "Bruce" once in the review, so I'm guessing I heard the Springsteen introduction without seeing it while typing my notes or something.

Just listened again, and I think you're right. Fixed!

Pretty sure this is JD's apex:

I admittedly did not know his song came first and the state anthem later. I shall fix it!

Oh, it might be. I'll double-check for the end-of-season playlist.

Oh man, I didn't even catch that! Will have to go back and rewatch. Springsteen's my second favorite musician.

It's not about flaunting musical knowledge as it is about awkward storytelling. "You see that guy over there? That's (insert famous rock musician). He's (insert whatever piece of history he's involved with). And that's (insert person he's with). They're (insert what they're doing). Pretty cool, huh?" It's like this

Should've included that one in the stray observations!

I feel like everyone or at least everyone's relative got it in the '90s. I was fortunate myself to never get it, but my sister got it three times, including once on Christmas day. It's a true nightmare to deal with and gives you paranoid bug thoughts for the rest of your life.

I find myself always wanting Brian to end his scenes with a Mask quote these days. Love that little guy.


Yeah, I wasn't sure whether the show was implying that Richie was misinterpreting the signals or that they meant nothing at all. I suppose we'll find out…

Fair point, even if I liked watching him do his thing here. Also, I want to steal the term "'Golden Age of Television' Sausage Factory." It's the perfect title for a reactionary book to "The Revolution Was Televised" (which I also love).

Yeah, I got that it was supposed to be either Heather or a random receptionist. I love how depressing it was for Clark to see that.

Yep, I believe it got renewed pretty early on in its run.

Ah, good call. I'll have to rewatch.

Agreed! Rollins Band's cover of "Do It" (and EP of the same name) is also worth checking out.

Seriously! I would have loved it if the show went into complete revisionist history and just focused on the adventures of Richie and Elvis for a little while.