dan caffrey

YES! Someone else in the comments suspected this, too, so I'll just repost what I said to them:

Everyone articulated this below, but they're right: it's flawed for sure, but there's enough good stuff to keep me coming back, especially with the music (still an underused plot element, if you can believe that).

Which is funny, because all of the record business on the show has been far more fascinating than any of the dark stuff. I would LOVE a show that just focuses on the business end of it, with the conflicts coming from less severe places than drug addiction and murder. Friday Night Lights (with the exception of Season

Ooo, I hadn't thought of that. Part of me hopes it is because that's the perfect real-life musician to feature on the show: someone who was significant, but not famous enough that we all have a preconceived notion of their character in our heads.

"I'm pretty sure Zak has now just discovered a new talent." Maybe. But maybe it's more complex than that. We'll see!

Thanks! If anyone knows which Stooges song it is, let me know. I can also go back and re-watch.

Thanks for catching that! That seems to be a big one I missed.

Especially since his role wasn't that huge on the show.

Man, I think I'm the only one who liked the Bowie stuff! The dedication at the end was a bit much though.

To everyone's points, I think it says something that it feels like it's the first time we've met him, you know? He didn't have nearly enough prominence to justify an episode so heavily weighted by his presence.

Hey, different strokes for different folks! Or, in VINYL's case, different coke for different folks. Or something.

I don't know though. A few commenters have pointed out how, in the behind-the-scenes featurette after the episode, Terence Winter says it was meant to be a surprise. But I haven't watched it yet, so I can't say for sure.

Damn, I'd love to see a show about the formation of Sub Pop! That also means there would be a lot less murder (unless Bruce Pavitt did something we don't know about).

Ha, stupid me. I always try and put it on the corresponding groove instead of the space between. No wonder it scratches!

Interesting. I'm gonna have to check that out on HBO Go, since the songs are so different.

That Dewees boy is such a prankster!

Hey, as long as you guys don't mind the length, I'll keep both!

Hmmm, wondering if that's different from the screener I had (they usually just have a placard that says "End credits here." Did it play after the Sonics' song or in place of it?

Whoops! Wrong tagged article. Herc gets mentioned briefly in the KRS-One article, but he's more prominent in this one: http://www.avclub.com/video…

Maybe we'll see a cameo from the ram next week!