dan caffrey

Wil went back to rescue Eretria from the trolls. They cut to her being presented in front of what looks like some sort of troll chieftain/leader. But then he/she takes off their mask (we can't see their face) and Eretria says "It's you…" Hope that helps!

That reptile/bug thing on the cover looks awesome!

This might help:

I watched all of Fuller House and don't know why. I mean, I do know why (for nostalgia, but in a roundabout way), but it was still probably a waste of time. So don't feel bad!

Did you watch it all?

That's the very reason I got into Turkish delight!

If that's kept you from watching it, know that it isn't technically time travel, although the contrast of eras (future fantasy with relics from today) doesn't always work well (see "Utopia"). Then again, sometimes it does (see "Breakline").

Thanks, DC (hey, we kinda have the same initials)! I agree with all that. The adaptation versus new-material debate will apply to any show that's based on something else, and it can be tricky. Like you said, better to go one way or the other. The Walking Dead ran into the same problem early on, then got a lot better


Good point, but couldn't it be just a casual part of Richie's lifestyle, as it appears to be for many of the other characters? His raging addiction just feels like old hat and a somewhat lazy plot device.

"You snooze, you lose, dude."

Good points all around, and I truly do love debating with folks in the comment section, especially in a show like this that's chock full of music history. I, too, wouldn't mind if they ended up capitalizing on the producer cameos by making them fleshed out characters. I'm a huge KISS fan (apologist?) so I certainly

Whoops! A typo, I swear! I'll fix it. #Caffreysosorry

Love "Revenge"! A band I was in tried to cover it, but it was too hard (we weren't very good). I didn't know it was originally a hidden track though, as I first heard it on the deluxe edition of Faithless Street, which includes it on the bonus disc. The fact that it was a hidden track originally makes it even cooler.

Ha! Didn't even think of the Wet Hot connection. "I know we ain't got money / I'm still in love with you…OH GOD!!!"

I didn't have a problem with those producers being named in the show, but seeing them acknowledge Jackie one by one—especially by the end of the episode when we've already spent so much time with Cooper and Warhol—just felt on-the-nose to me.

Ah, I was wondering about that. Cat's out of the bag: I did not know that he went by Jeff Starship before The Ramones. Thanks for catching that!

I agree, too. They could just take out the coke element, and that would be a huge improvement for me. His decisions also feel less dramatically important when so many of them are drug-induced.

You know, I have to admit that I didn't realize the remaining two episodes were airing on the same night, hence me not mentioning the finale. Apologies for that. The stakes suddenly feel much higher!