dan caffrey

Harsh? B+ is still a high grade, and I enjoyed the episode overall. I've also consistently been praising the changes you mentioned for the entire second half of the season, with the occasional exception of the Muppets interacting on Piggy's show. Sometimes it works (hers and Kermit's duet), but most of the time it

He was obviously close with his business partner Max, and I remember Giancarlo Esposito saying he made the internal decision to play him as gay. But from a script/directing standpoint, the show never goes out of its way to confirm whether or not Max as simply a close friend or a lover. Personally, I think they were

I think that every time I walk outside in the snow! It's supposed to snow today in Chicago, so I'll probably think it again in a few hours. Wait, it's already snowing. It's cold enough out there to freeze your Winnebago!

Absolutely. Always loved "Halfway Down The Stairs," too, and I wanted to link to his, Kermit's, and Jimmy Fallon's endearing performances of "Where The River Meets The Sea" from Emmet Otter, but, in true NBC fashion, there's not a decent quality clip of it anywhere.


I think their relationship has always been pretty flexible depending on the needs of the show/movie. In The Muppet Movie, for instance, it's never explicitly stated that they're romantically involved, but they go on a date, and it's implied by the end that they're more than just friends. I mean, Piggy asks Kermit to

Luckily (and as Oliver said below), it's on YouTube, as are many of the old Muppet specials, which I love. I remember always hoping to catch The Frog Prince on Disney or Nickelodeon as a kid. Who'd have guessed we'd be an age where pretty much any Muppet special is at our fingertips.

Yeah, I almost brought that up, but was worried about going down a rabbit hole of the definition of puppet cannibalism. Kermit's not a pig, so I guess it's not? Then again, it's kinda gross to eat the species of the person you once loved. Yuck, I've gone too far!

Whoops, sorry, thought you wrote the below comment (the one about bisexuality) by Seth Carlson, so I was addressing those points as well. My apologies.

I haven't watched The X-Files (I might in the future, I don't know), but have heard it's gone down the tube!

Awesome, thanks! Yeah, I definitely want to read the prequels since they sound so different.

Right on the money. I'm not even a purist and don't mind the changes to the book. I just don't see the point of the ones they've made.

Awesome, thanks for the book input!

But I wouldn't call Sonny Wortzik or John Wojtowicz's sexuality "ambiguous." With Gus Fring, you never knew if he was attracted to men or women (or maybe a wife does get mentioned? I can't remember). With Sonny/John, you know exactly who he was attracted to.

We actually considered Gus Fring, but decided to not include anyone where their sexuality was ambiguous. Cruising never came up though!

Hahaha, was it "leaders"? I can't remember what he said.

I actually read an interview prior to writing this review that said the show purposely cut out the numerous battle scenes in the novel. I'm sure a lot of that has to do with budget, but still…could've used a lot more action. Hopefully the final episode will deliver on that front. I mean, there's gotta be at least one

I hear Terry Brooks' next novel is called Manimal: The Word Witch Of Shannara.

The one good thing that came out of 1994-era Stones was this (SPOILER WARNING: DO NOT watch if you haven't seen season 2 of The Sopranos and plan on doing so):

The first five episodes are being reviewed off of screeners, so this was written a few days before it was announced that Mann and Casablancas were involved. For future episodes though, I'll search for the info beforehand and see if I can include it!