dan caffrey

Oh yeah, I knew it wasn't "Great Balls Of Fire," but just listed him as the singer of that. I'll switch it out though, since, in the spirit of our new category, it makes sense to list the actual song. And I'm keeping a spreadsheet of everything I missed, so I'll add the Magic Tramps to that. Thanks for contributing!

His pointy, elf-like ears of course!

There are verrry small hints here and there in the early books, but nothing to the extent of the show. I wonder if Terry Brooks actually knew it was post-apocalyptic Earth when he started writing them. He didn't clarify for certain until the more recent books.

I think it has to be more spectacular (and entertaining) in its badness for the F. One day!

Same here. There really is a fine line between so-bad-it's-boring and so-bad-it's-fascinating.

"I wanted a VEGETARIAN sandwich, goddamnit!"

I agree that he's definitely drawn to the financial prospects of music, although the show implies that comes much later in life for him. When he first hears Lester Grimes, for instance, his admiration comes from a real place and a genuine love for blues music. You're right in that the shark-like lust for excess

Whoops! I'll fix that. Thanks for catching it.

Typo for sure! But I'm kind of tempted to keep it, as I'm about to pick up The Scions Of Shannara from the library. But my inner Copy Editor tells me to fix it. So I'll fix it. Thanks (as always) for the comment!

The only thing missing was the bearskin rug! And the tucked junk.

I approve of this friendly debate!

Sorry, we don't always get screeners and have to jot down notes fairly quickly for these reviews. So mistakes happen. At any rate, it's fixed (as is the quote mentioned below)! Thanks for keeping me honest.


Yeah, but within the context of the show, these new bits are supposed to be what really won over the "Up Late" crowd, and they were still putting the more zeitgeisty stuff almost on the same level of quality as the Kermit/Piggy duet from last week, which was clearly meant to be sincere.

Good point!

Ooo, good observation! Reviewed both episodes and didn't think of the connection.

Haha, didn't even catch that. I'll get Lew Zealand into a review one of these days!

Ah, so it is. I shall fix it! Thanks for the correction.

Hahaha, I'll try my best!

Oh shit! I love Jon Daly, and didn't even realize it was him. Must have been the hat. "Party down with the Peppermen, yeaaaah!'