dan caffrey

Oh yeah, I have no doubt in her acting skills, just the conceit of famous people constantly popping up in sitcoms for no reason whatsoever.

I think it was meant to be odd—one guy's false, stereotypical idea of masculinity as opposed to what it actually is, which is why I found it so funny and in line with Marvin's character.

Whoops, sorry about that. Fixed! And yeah, I agree about their cameos and the lack of explanation as to why the seats were so crappy in the first place.

I can't be sure, but maaaybe Big Mean Carl has eaten someone before? I want to say he did something like that in the "Bohemian Rhapsody" video, although I could be wrong. He just seems like one of those big Muppets designed specifically to eat people.

Yeah, it's the one glaring weak spot for me in this second half of the season. Elsewhere though, it's a huge step up.

I think you mean "COOKIES AH FUH CLOSAHS!"

I'm not sure. Not that it matters much these days, but the ratings took a slight dip, then shot back up to their original numbers with "Reaper," so anything can happen. Despite my many grievances with the show, I still consider myself a Terry Brooks fan, and am curious to see if this can all gel into something more

Thanks for reading! You know, I wrote down the dream sequence, but had forgotten about it by the end. And you are right, it does deserve to get called out, if only for its overused lens flare.

Thanks for reading!

Ooo, that sounds really cool. I'll have to check it out!

Thanks for reading! Always cool to read your thoughts on this and other shows.

Ha, a few people have said that, and it didn't even come to mind when watching! It definitely should've though. I think I was distracted by all the fast-flying emotions and dragon jokes.

I always wonder that myself, and I can't help but think that, in some cases, they do. With something like South Park, or even a series on HBO, the creators probably don't give a shit (and they really don't have to), but with programs that aren't a surefire for renewal, I feel like at least some of the minds involved

I still haven't watched Fargo, but yes!

Exactly. It's the same problem with Finding Forrester. We're told this guy's novel is worthy of the Pulitzer, but only hear a few mediocre sentences from it. Like, we're told the Up Late jokes are funny instead of truly being shown the comedy.

That works, too!

Thanks for reading! He sounds very engaged, enthusiastic, and informal in a good way.

It was a spinoff of Hercules, yeah?

Never watched Xena, so I wasn't aware there was a musical episode. I dig Lucy Lawless in BSG though!

Ha, I didn't even catch the Deadwood joke! Good ear.