dan caffrey

Seriously! It was a big face-palm moment for me when they all started riding away at the end, and he lingered behind.

That's certainly true, although I think while the use of guest stars has bothered me in the past, the idea of it never has since, in any fantasy epic, the characters usually stumble across a bunch of different friends and enemies. Tonight worked so well for me because I felt like it was the first time the show

Same here. Hobbits is a race so specifically tied to one franchise, unlike dwarves, elves, goblins, dragons, etc., all of which are found in most fantasy series. I loved that Galavant has the balls to just throw that term around—and turn its leads into cannibals!

I agree with you about the song being underwhelming, plus they were doing that thing musicals so often do where they try to make someone seem genuinely badass or punk-rock or whatever, and it just comes off as kind of Hot Topic and lame.

Oh yeah, I forgot we had seen him in a flashback before. Still dug Wise's performance though.

I'll bet there's a deleted scene where it's revealed the princess' full name is Jubilation Lee.

I stumbled across the Galavant wiki for the first time while doing research for the review. Keep up the good work!

Ha, I had the same thought! At first, I was like "Those are really bad special effects, even for a network show," and voila, joke was on me.

Yeah, I'm pretty surprised how much ABC has been crushing it lately.

Hahaha, after hearing it, I was sure it was someone famous or at least some kind of inside joke, but I Googled it and found nothing. Of course, that makes it all the more funny, that Richard would come up with such a specific name.




Yeah, the way Bandon was handled probably bugged me the most out of anything that happened in the episode. I know it's early in the game, but I'm also unclear about what his purpose is. Do we really need two elves who can see the future? Amberle seems to be enough.

So far (and granted, I'm only about halfway through), they stumble across some large steel beams that, in the annotated text, Brooks says could possibly be skyscrapers. He gets pretty coy whenever the modern touches come up in that first book, so it's not clear whether he was planning the future thing all along, or is

Agreed! He really is the perfect Allanon.

Who would be Tom Bombadil?

My hopes exactly! A lot of the set pieces and landscapes did have a nice lushness about them.

Haha, I'd forgotten about that part. A lot of the characters sort of feel like Tolkien hybrids: the Skull Bearers a sort of Balrog/Ringwraith combo, and even Allanon always reminded me of a mix of Gandalf and the more rangerly side of Aragorn.

I calls it like I sees it!