dan caffrey

Ha, I hadn't even noticed that. Nice catch!

I do wish they had kept the song thing going with every episode. There's always next year!

Thanks for reading!

I meant specifically the increase of mass shootings in the US. The review has been updated to reflect that.

Glad you take the time to read! And sorry for the sporadic responses. I try to respond to as many commenters as I can (long as they're being respectful), but you guys are a wonderfully talkative bunch. 'Til next time…


At first, I found myself wishing that Classi was one of Butters' prostitutes, but once she explained her name, I was grateful for her existence.

Sorry, my military knowledge is limited. I shall fix it!

Ah, I have to be honest, with all the other stuff packed into the episode, ISIS wasn't on my mind, but I think you are right. While I like that allegory, I also wish they would have featured ISIS more directly if that's what they're going for, if only because they already made an appearance in Naughty Ninjas. I wonder

Maybe we'll get something similar to the Butters-centric episode a while back.

Ha! Sorry about that. We write these things late into the night sometimes. Now I just keep thinking what a Dirty Harry Muppet would look like, complete with an over-sized magnum. Fixed, and thanks for catching that!

Back in the Muppet Show days, one of the hands belonged to Jim Henson and one belonged to Frank Oz. Neither one knew what the other would do next, which resulted in some pitch-perfect kitchen anarchy.


To me, that kind of made it more believable, you know? Which also made it more cringe-inducing.

In retrospect, definitely should have included that worms quote in the Stray Observations.


That's really interesting. I hadn't thought of it like that. I never know how much thought Tim and Eric put into the message behind their work, and there's definitely a case for "Tornado" being symbolic of something bigger.

Hopefully they'll track down that little kid who played Nob or Hob or whatever his name was in Robocop 2 and use him for a Bedtime Story.

You're welcome! For a long time, I thought this was the Wilhelm scream. I think my brother-in-law actually found out what it was called after it was repeatedly used on Wonder Showzen.

If we're going off the traditional academic grading scale, a C+ means average, not wholly bad. So I think it matches up pretty accurately with the opinions expressed in the review. But I'm obviously biased.