dan caffrey

Thanks, Digit! You've always reminded me of Judge Doom.

I dig 'em, although I like the triscuity things (I guess they're what make up Chex cereal) best, along with those strange tuber-looking pasta guys.

Thanks for reading! Definitely the best of the season.

Sorry, the Granny quote was a typo. I'll fix it, along with the Jessica/Honey mix-up. I don't think either mistake has any real effect on the perceived quality of the episode though. Neither one makes the story any better.

Gotcha, I'll make the change!

Agreed. And yeah, and the Shaq cameo made total sense given his prominence at the time in Orlando. Thanks for reading!

Ahhh, you've clearly seen The Great Muppet Caper many times!

Ah, you're right re: Granny Huang/Louis. I'll adjust that. Thanks for reading!

Hey, I wouldn't mind that! Sounds very Meet The Feebles. Eek, now I have disturbing images of Kermit smeared with white powder stuck in my head.

There's one more next week, and it looks like it's going to be a Christmas episode. After that, there will be a break, then the reboot.

Thanks, Chris! And thanks for the theory, which I think could totally happen. Really interested to see how it shakes out over the next few weeks.

I never once said that Parker and Stone are social-justice warriors. And as far as South Park's targets go, I don't think I, or anyone, is out of their crosshairs. Just because I observe what they're making fun of doesn't mean I'm not guilty of doing some of those same things myself. I just don't talk about it in a

(Bro bump)

Ah, I hadn't thought of They Live, but yes!

Would you settle for a fist-bump then?

Being a freelancer and not a moderator of the comments section, I can't speak to what the criteria is for deleting something. All I can say is that I love writing for The A.V. Club. So, I guess my answer to this is the reliable standby of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh, it's totally fine! I didn't take it that way at all, and thought it was an insightful comment from the get-go.

Does George Clooney's dog happen to be gay and named Sparky?

Hahaha, fair enough. Is there a catch-all term for mechanical beings of all types? Automaton? Or does that just refer to those old-timey robots seen in Hugo?

Yep, that's me! Sorry, Bros.