dan caffrey

I'll admit, when we first saw Jenner back in "Stunning And Brave," I was wondering if we were going to get any transphobic humor from the show, but the more Parker and Stone feature her, I think it's their usual trick of physically and vocally exaggerating a celebrity who they probably find despicable (hell, they even

Glad to hear! Thanks, Bro.

I think it probably varied from place to place. In small-jerkwater-mountain-town Pennsylvania—where my mom was a special ed teacher at the time—it was still taught to us as the preferred term. Same thing for when I moved to Florida. But Florida's not exactly known for its great public education system, so…..

Yeah, Bro. Yeah. YEAH, CAN YOU SPOT ME, BRO???

Thanks for reading, Mary!

I would, but the puppet is missing several parts of its anatomy, so it'd be tough.

Yeah, as Ruck Cohlchez pointed out below, I incorrectly wrote 1997 (several news sources quoted that year), but I think the birthday episode last week confirmed that it's 1995. I'll go back and fix the previous review and won't get the year wrong from here on out.

It depends on which Sweetums suit he's wearing. If it's the one where the performer has to wear a monitor strapped to their chest and use one hand to make sure the hand stands up straight, then I'd say that's pretty impressive. And regardless of the technical aspect, it just looks cool visually.

Yeah, I more meant it as seeing a full-body Muppet ride a bike for the first time.

Yeah, but I don't think we've seen a full-body Muppet like Sweetums riding a bike before—just the usual hand-and-rod ones.

He actually talks a lot about that in the podcast, about how, at the time, it was meant as a gesture for his girlfriend, but that it also got blown way out of proportion by both himself and the media. That didn't make him coming out any easier. You should definitely give it a listen if the topic intrigues you. He

Seriously. We write these reviews rather quickly so we can get them up before the morning. Because of the hasty turnaround and late publish time (especially for a 9 p.m. show like South Park), they don't usually go through Copy Edit. And sometimes there are typos. If we find them (or commenters point them out), we fix

I didn't say that's all it's against. That just seemed to be the primary target of this particular episode.

Nope. Tell me more!

Thanks, fixed!

Ah, gotcha. Rewatched, and you're right. Fixed! Might take a minute to show up.


Yep, the whole thing is pretty curious.

Agreed. I think a lot of it has to do with it being The Muppets. Despite its considerable success, ABC knows it's a hot property, and has higher (perhaps unfair) hopes for it.

It's definitely intriguing. So many shows have found their footing in the second season. Hell, Fresh Off The Boat did it just this year, and as you mentioned, 30 Rock was another one that turned things around. Same goes for The Office, and even The Simpsons, I argue. Who knows if they'll give The Muppets a similar