dan caffrey

Yeah, I think I said something about giving some of the background players more to do. And as the show's proven, Bobo has comic potential out the wazoo!

Yep! That's him. One of the highlights for sure.

Same here! They've got another Bedtime Stories special airing in December—not sure if it's coming back as a regular series or what, but either way, I'm excited.

But according to Bobby Bologna, those things are one in the same! AAAOOOOOH!

I think it was written just for the show, since on the credits, it said "Original music by Bonnie 'Prince' Billy," with the incidental music credited to someone else.

It takes a true talent to make you feel bad for a protagonist who's into eating baby shit. And that's the beauty of Bedtime Stories.

It was on last night at 11:30 p.m. EST, but I'm sure they'll show it again. If not, it'll probably be online soon.

They must have found it on a Cinco infomercial.

I couldn't get over Tim calling someone a "maron'!"

While I liked the episode more than you, I definitely agree on Eddie's crew. Whenever the show focused on them in season 1, it felt scatterbrained, but this year, it's always a highlight. I chalk it up to more assured writing and each of the young performers simply getting better at acting. And yeah, that's what I

I meant it more as doing their own wholesome thing without worry so much about adhering to Huang's memoir, or at least considering adhering to its grittier aspects.

Huh, that's a good point, and upon watching that clip again, I think you're right. As soon as I heard "racism" though, my mind immediately jumped back to the first-season premiere, so while you're probably correct, I'm going to keep it in the review since it opens up the conversation for the other racial stuff in the

It's been written in several places that Season 1 takes place between 1995 and 1997, although I think the showrunners fudged with the timeline a little bit. Even if the kids are just supposed to be one grade older this year, that would put the show in at least 1996.

Hah, I was wondering if someone was going to catch that. When we write a review draft in CMS, we have to give it a placeholder title so we can locate it later on when editing, then switch it out with whatever the actual title ends up being. At first, I accidentally typed the real title in the subhead text without

I do agree that the way Piggy handled the situation was surprising and effective while still being true to her character. And yes, the tic-tac bit was a win in my book.

My pleasure!

Yeah, there are some genuine scares in 5, despite the obnoxious characters: Rachel getting stalked, the car chase in the woods, the laundry chute, etc. All that stuff is pretty intense.

Ha, I thought about mentioning the Chaos run, but it would have gotten too long and confusing. I do like them though! They even managed to bind the H20 and 4–6 storylines until Resurrection came out and rendered them non-canon. Good stuff, nonetheless, especially the artwork.

You bet!

Hahaha, I wish! If I were indeed him, I'd send you a spare copy (if there are any), free of charge.