
Yeah, Baby was incredible.
The dialogue, the unique camera angles, the insane amount of fun Jensen and Jared were having, the "Night Moves" music cue: a total home run.

Agreed, I would LOVE having regular coverage again.
Any favorite episodes of the season so far?


Then we're in agreement!

Yeah, that's true.
I feel bad for Adam, he must be all but destroyed at this point.

So true, she was really awesome and will be sorely missed.

You're right in the sense that obsessive fans shouldn't ruin the show for anyone and that they shouldn't pull away focus from what matters, which is the actual show itself.

I agree completely!
On the lore as well, they've sure dropped a few balls over the years. I feel like the writers could benefit from consulting the Wiki a bit more often.

Per season, I'd say these are the more essential episodes.

I felt the exact same way.
I suppose Dean (spoiler?) killing the young son was something of a plot point, but they hardly needed to set up that whole "evil dynasty" thing for that.

I haven't seen the latest episode yet so thank you for being vague!
Crowley has been pretty awesome lately. I liked him in season 10 a lot, too.

So, does anyone want to place bets as to whether Jesse, the Antichrist from season 5, will ever return to the show?

!Spoilers! for season 11, but:
Lucifer's back! And he's awesome/terrifying as ever.
Also: Rowena is really cool and Crowley's role has been expanded to make him even more fun and more integral to the plot.

It's very true: the chemistry of the cast is a huge part of why it continues to work through the rough patches.
And yeah, the Styne family was so very, very pointless and strange.

You're right: season 5 was incredible! The finale still brings tears to my eyes when I re-watch it. It could have been a worthy ending, but I'm glad the show continued.

Ah, that explains it!

I don't want it to die, and I've been watching for ten years.
It's still a good show. Solid, credible characters and good performances.
I'll keep tuning in 'till the end for the Winchester brothers.

I'm a twenty-something woman who's been watching the show for almost half my life and it's definitely "despite".
Far be it for me to judge anyone for being a fan, Lord knows I am and have been for a decade, but some of the fans of this show are honestly a bit scary to me.
For me it's less the people who "ship"

It really, really pulled itself back together. Definitely worth coming back to it!