
Relishing the irony that an article about incompetence features two typos in the first entry. It's "viciously" and "striving". Just because it makes it through spell check doesn't mean it doesn't need proofread.

The Rubella/Malaria/Diptheria joke was done better in the Simpsons episode where Lisa is practicing for the spelling bee. There's a musical number where she's riding through town spelling everything she sees and biking past Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel holding his infant daughter, she spells "Scabies, S-C-A-B-I-E-S.

Followed by Dick York, Willie Nelson, and Don Johnson.

Who are four people who've never been in my kitchen?

Kaufman has totally sold out to Hollywood money.  Last thing I heard he was penning the Brett Ratner-helmed adaptation of Uncle Wiggly.

Hear, hear. During a recent NFL game this ad aired every single commercial break. By the end I wanted to harangue JLo enough online to get invited on H8ers and then punch her in her asshole.

Way to distance yourself from that third-person " backlash crowd", Donna.

My mom told me
that my dad couldn't find that CBS anthology show with a TV Guide, flashlight, and a compass.

I would have assumed…
That in the majority of Lord of the Rings fan fiction Legolas is sexing up Aragorn or Gimli.

I was thinking Ghost Whisperer spinoff with Adrian Grenier playing Mr. Mojo Risin', a spirit who counsels women after heartbreak by sleeping with them.

Any reason
Spike Jonze couldn't have filmed it too?

Ooh, Purple Rose! Good answer. Don't know why I forgot that one.

That first sentence
is perhaps one of the most convoluted in the history of the English language. "Dreamworks is so confident… that they did something - that shows that they are confident." It's like a syntactical moebius strip.

The picture of Kim in the aloha shirt
is from the failed TV spinoff, which CBS later retooled, changing Kim to a Naval officer turned private investigator and the location from Malibu to Hawaii.

To you and Ned Flanders
I would recommend that delightful sub-genre - the Woody Allen film without Woody Allen in it. Bullets Over Broadway, Radio Days, Celebrity, and Sweet & Lowdown are all very good.

The Rookie
The most egregious oversight was that Dennis Quaid wasn't given perhaps the greatest post-Hrabosky Fu-Manchu baseball has ever seen. I can understand him not growing it himself, as few men could, but isn't that why they invented CGI?

I enjoyed
How seemingly everyone but Josh considered their CDs and DVDs as not obsolete.

It also highlighted Klosterman's regrettable hipster philosophy of life - that everything he enjoys would be better if the powers that be catered to only him. It's the same hipster bullshit of "I enjoy this entertainment in a way the unwashed never could, so why are you trying to sell it to them than just basking in

I thought the underwater scene in Phantom Menace was two hours and fifty-nine minutes.

I know it's foolish
of me to have thought so, but for some reason I thought he'd finished with the Pandoraverse and would be moving on to fucking up some other concept. Now I have to resign myself to more awful hype.