
Super Excited
About The Rockford Files! It's on Netflix Instant and I've been whiling away the long winter months watching it. Halfway through Season 4 now.

You got it right
the first time.

Tina Fey's best Sorkin joke
was at an awards show sometime during the first season when someone commented on her little black dress and she said, "Right now Aaron Sorkin is wearing the same dress, but longer and not funny."

Now just
edit together a supercut from AVTalk of "Hello, I'm Genevieve Koski" and you'll have come full circle.

I saw the strobe as another entry in The Office's viral marketing campaign. I'm sure that a video of strobe roller skating will pop up on the net, if it hasn't yet. They've figured out anything with the characters singing and/or dancing is viral gold. Viral marketing is the product placement of the teens.

I renew my objections
to your dismissal of the countdown device in Bad News.

I'm not a completist
ever since I had a moment of clarity when I gave serious consideration to driving from Ohio to Connecticut to buy a copy of the post-Morrison Doors album Weird Scenes Inside the Goldmine, but Miles is someone I could totally see owning every single album of if I live long enough.

That's some pretty epic shagging. I can only really get up to Kind of Blue shagging anymore. Bitches Brew and Jack Johnson shags were pretty much college-era only.

The boobs enlarge to three times their size, and so do I.

So 180-gram vinyl
is the new code-word by which I can identify and avoid the hipster dufus? Thanks for the heads-up.

The image of a banana penetrating
a blue avatar vagina while Chia Mr. T looks on from the background is its own special visual poetry.

Avatar fleshlight Taste Test, please.

Here, then you should really enjoy this:

I'm more curious how everyone else died at the CDC, leaving only Emmerich, but leaving behind no zombies or corpses.

The walking across the bottom of the ocean zombies, and attendant zombie-killing submarine, is my least favorite part of World War Z.

Jesus was clearly one of, if not the, first zombie. He even had that Night of the Living Dead moment when they barricaded the tomb with a rock and he just shoved it aside and just kept on zombie Jesusing. And now all His zombie followers feast on his flesh and blood forever and ever, amen.

With James Brown's passing, Dickerson is now the hardest working man in show business. Also directed several episode's of this season's Dexter.

I understand that this is Dexter…
… a show that wants to be part police procedural without actually having much interest in police procedure, but Jesus, how bad are these detectives? I know it's too much to ask for these guys to turn on a computer, but if the gang of rapists are poking each other on Facebook, why are

There's aqua zombies in World War Z and it always bugged me. Not that I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to imagine some form of zombification where zombies could exist without oxygen and live in water, but his ridiculous concept of zombie that walked across the ocean floor and had to be destroyed by special