
It's a perfectly cromulent word.


It's the only U2 album I ever really liked. Other than Lemon. I literally don't think I ever listened to that song all the way through. Nails on a chalkboard for me.

Well except that was blatantly and obviously edited to make it look that way. I would be *stunned* if either reaction shot was actually in response to those comments. They took the comment. They took some shot of Brooke looking to one side and smiling (e.g. when Kristen or Sheldon was having something nice said about

Smilner get your fat ass up her and stop me.

Smilner get your fat ass up her and stop me.

Wait, people are saying this is tacked on? It seems to have been telegraphed for several seasons to me. Frankly this was far more "obvious" than Edward James Olmos being a hallucination (which did surprise me).

My favorites: 
The Dice Tower
Little Metal Dog Show (+ pleasing british accent)
Game On
Plaid Hat Podcast (though helps if you are a fan of Summoner Wars; side note - you should be a fan of Summoner Wars).

Not *too* bad from a distance, but yeah, the interview close-ups were pretty terrifying…

Even from the rafters/long shots that was obvious mugging. The guy was playing out to the crowd too, but he didn't have that problem.

Tristi Merci
When she said she'd been in 25 car accidents, all as the passenger, my response was "maybe you shouldn't have been sucking all of their dicks." My wife thought that was funny. Your milage may vary.

And also smoking. So is there a 29 year old cut off? I mean we've seen a number of obviously older people audition (even if they were generally part of the freak parade).

Yeah, I was befuddled by that too, especially since he cooks in a *great* Greek place in Washington DC. Maybe he killed the real Mike I. and took his place?

Anyone else catch Ash's Sondheim reference?
When they are around the campfire and someone asks if there are bears in the country, he says "Bears? Bears are sweet!" in a cadence that suggested he was quoting Into the Woods. Yay for a gay man with *good* taste in musicals…

May you only be moderately singed in a fire and get a treatable case of GonorrheaSyphilis.

I've had them with the kool-aid mixed with the brine…
A friend of mine made these, but he mixed the kool-aid mix directly with the brine rather than dumping it and adding water instead. I believe he got the idea from Alton Brown (who is southern). As you can imagine, the results were significantly more salty/briney. I

Oh bullshit. Hoseas first dish last year was actually quite awesome. After the first episode he was clearly one of the better of the bunch. His somewhat uneven performances, whiney behavior, ill-thought-out makeout session, and the fact that Stephen was clearly a superior chef has caused all sorts of hand-wringing,

I'm kinda with you on purees (Wolfgang Puck even commented on it). Totally not on liquid nitrogen. Are you against skillets deep fryers too? Some food is served chilled. Liquid nitrogen is a way to get things very cold very fast which fundamentally changes the way something freezes.

All words are made up.

It's not really fair to blame Ashley for harping on about it. It annoys her, justafiably so, but it is the producers who no doubt got her to restate it 4 times so they could work it in over and over again. At no point did she say she wouldn't do it, she just said that it grated on her, and in the end she did make some