
He looks (and sounds) like Scott Nicholson from "Board Games with Scott".

Ah, was trying to remember the name of that. I loved that the best strategy (or at least a good one) was to carefully work your way though a village to parlay with the leader, but then kill him instead, and then run around killing villagers until they surrendered. Good times. Good, offensive times.

Yeah there were a couple times you could hear a little bit of an out-of-context comment that could have been a pretty off-color quip.

The audio editing on Top Chef: Masters is somehow even worse.

Ironically, while you can walk there, you cannot walk back.

Wait eel counts as a "crazy thing" now? It's just a fish. A delicious fish at that!

…wait there's still more dust…

Lo works the line…
This challenge really highlighted the fact that a lot of these chefs don't spend a lot of time cooking on the line. Even when they are in the kitchen they are usually directing a team, so if some vegetable need chopping, they just tell someone to chop some vegetables, leaving them free to plan the

I think you'll find that was the original Adventure, not Zork.

You mean it will get him alienated from the film community and prevent him form making a major studio movie for the rest of his career? We can only hope.

And also: "Power. Up."

SiniStar FTW.

Dude I'll totally be a groupie and not fuck you!

Hah! I'm totally addicted to that game, and so's my wife…

Dude, that is an *awesome* Pat Benetar song! Maybe biased because it was really fun to play the pep-band version…

I can see the pitch meeting…
"Werewolves are the new vampires!"

Ack! "THEY'RE related". Dammit. Die in a fire me.

At least he is not an ass like his brother (cousin? I know their related) Skip, who is among the more obnoxious "analysts" for ESPN. His analysis is to tiresomely bleat how the 1% of a player's career spent in playoff/championship games is sooo much more important than the other 99%.

Also, the "tourists" were clearly "people who had heard through a friend of a friend that Top Chef was going to be at universal studios today." The chefs worried about "cooking for middle America", but all of the diners seemed to be pretty…cosmopolitan.

"Ground beef" isn't necessarily made from chuck. In fact it isn't necessarily made from anything specific. Chuck is probably/usually the most prevalent meat, but unless you are buying "ground chuck" or better yet, buying chuck and grinding it yourself, I wouldn't count on it…