Mr. Tusks

More like "beleaguered graphic artist has fun at work for once".

You could have plagiarized that whole screenplay from Gravity's Rainbow.

That's why I stay in the balcony section with the bar. I'm farther away, but at least I can breathe AND see!

I think the commenters should go on striker over this.

If they knew this would happen, they would have planned a special about how the World Cup affects LeBron James' legacy.

Or being forced to watch something by someone who loves it, and feeling the pressure to also love it the entire time, which then makes you love it less.

Oh this is completely out of jealousy, let me assure you.

Tall people at concerts: you are the worst people. Go stand literally anywhere else in the room besides the second row. You'll still get able to see, I promise.

That's like in Bioshock Infinite, where each new life is just you picking up at an alternate timeline where you did not die at that point. I like meta mechanics like that.

Scalia has literally said "I am the law" in an interview. He's probably the most dangerous guy in Washington and no one even knows it.

Must be nice to work one day per week and even then have someone else do half your job for you.

Egad, that girl was unreal.

Sharknado 2: The Search For More Money.

Something I noticed a while ago: the Twin Peaks score sounds like it was ripped from Final Fantasy VII.

That's how that guy is usually cast on stage.

Yuh da duh da duh da duuuuhhhh

I really hope they simultaneously improved "Suddenly Fourvel" because I want then to be just that brilliant.

I don't know if it happens in the movie, but in our high school production Orin started the song in a biker's leather jacket, only to strip it off to reveal a white dentist's coat as soon as he sang "deeeeeeentist" the first time.

Collect them all!