A feckless attempt to curry fa

Yes, it's awful, but the song structure is really unusual, in that the vocals are totally different than the rhythm, almost like an art song. As a piece of music, it's at least interesting. Not so much for "Grandma".

Add Mariah's Christmas album, and I'm right there with you.

Quick responses, from a dad of 4, ages 4-9 currently.

It's the cynicism that pervades this movie that really makes it a touchstone today. Sexy toons are, clearly from the comments section, quite subjective. But, there's so much acrimony when Maroon says that the best part about working with toon actors is that "they work for peanuts." It's played for laughs when Dumbo

Is it just me, or does AV Club do a piece about this movie every Thanksgiving? Not that I'm complaining.

Yes! Let the Lilo and Stitch renaissance continue! Tia Carrere deserves attention for her singing of Aloha Oe alone, in the most emotional scene in the movie.

Too lazy to check the comments, but to me, what stands out most with DeLonge's diction is the emphasis on the ending of -ing words. (or as he would say, "En-DEENG")
Having spent a few years in Utah, I can attest that people there really talk like that, so maybe it's not just a SoCal thing?

I didn't comment about the "Disney decline" during '95 week. But, I can't let it slide again.
To wit: Mulan belongs right up there in the pantheon of Disney Princesses. Full stop. Pocahontas falls a little short, except for the music, which is exceptional.
That said, I will defend Lilo and Stitch to the death if needed.

Lauren Lapkus is owning 2015. She may own 2016 even more than 2015. She is like a cuter, funnier Amy Poehler. I could listen to Lauren and Paul F. read the phone book, that's how funny they are together. I love her.

Everything oft does is delightful; but mostly he's laughing at other people's stuff. Lapkus laughs at her own jokes, but it's almost like she is surprised at how funny the line is as she is saying it. Fallon still does it, " in the moment" on the Tonight Show, but that's absolutely part of his shtick now. mantzoukas

Lauren Lapkus is the only person that I can tolerate giggling through segments/sketches. It's such a buzzkill when someone like Fallon does it, but somehow is just makes her more charming and endearing. Podcast MVP of the week!

My name is Michael Weston. I used to be a spy…

"Carry the zero" is my favorite. it's like concentrate BTS, As hard as it was to represent this band in 60 minutes of music, if you had only 5-6 minutes, this would be the track.

Being reminded of most of these breakups made me sad (somehow, I forgot about the drummer from Lush!) However, only ATDI have the distinction of bankrupting a record label along with the band's implosion. And, yeah, I still resent them for sinking Grand Royal.

secretly, Flansburgh and Linnel are one of the 10 best American songwriting teams of the past 35-40 years. They may have written the greatest song about equilateral polygons ever (the nonagon).

I've always wondered what Greg graffin is like as a teacher. Is it all polemics and vitriol or does he grade on a curve every once in a while?
Also, graffin had some cool solo stuff in the folk/country tradition. Worth a listen in your "post doc" studies.

I live across the street from a large cemetery which has graves dating back to the 18 th century. I'd last about five minutes and then I get to eat all your brains. So, yay?

This is awesome, especially for the Sandra Day O'Connor figure's smirky little grin. She was the best.

The world at the end of Wall-E would be my ideal place to spend eternity. A chance to push the reset button on civilization and rebuild, with all the lessons of history from which to learn, as well as incredibly efficient (and adorable) tech? Sign me up.

Am I the only one who thinks that Annie Lennox is a). An elf of the forest who wants to live among mortals and b). sailed to the undying lands with Gandalf, Bilbo and the rest, at the end of Return of the King? Because, that would be ridiculous…right?