A feckless attempt to curry fa


Monk always struck me as a grown-up Linus. So much melancholy and small joys.
Great show to just pick up anywhere if you want to binge a season or two, and rewarding when they play a favorite on cable or whatever, since the episodes are mostly stand alone rather than, dare I say, serial.

Doesn't Mohd have faster internet b/c Internet is faster in the Far East? I seem to remember this being discussed previously. That said, good job FalconEddie.

The elegance of the Yoda puppet from "Empire" (contrasted with CGI Yoda) is solidly in the top 10 of the list of reasons why the prequels sucked.

can' add too much to this finale and wrap-up, but I will say that this show will remain one of the most rewarding series to rewatch over time, like, ever. Those who related most to Amber or Drew now might find that Joel and Julia resonate more over time, or maybe Adam, Sarah, jasmine, etc.
there definitely has not been

"She's victor's sister…" That line floored me. Great take by Sam Jaeger.

Screw Catfish, What the world needs is a documentary about the proliferation of copycat Avatars among AV Club commentators.
For the record, my Dr. Katz avatar was here first.

I always admired that, besides the law books and dictionaries, the little bunny's library includes a copy of The runaway bunny, which is of course Margaret Wise Brown's true masterpiece.

"I'm too scared not to argue" is the line that really rings true to me in this episode, really gets it right about working to save a marriage.
My take on the school scene was a little different: seems like the whole montage was the answer to Adam's line about still searching for his passion, plus it looks like running

"…so I said to my friend Johnny, that's me friend, Johnny Depp. The actor. He's my friend, so I was saying to Johnny the other day…"
C'mon, Marilyn, baby. You're coming off a little desperate, don't ya think?

Manson, Sleater-Kinney, Belle & Sebastian AND Rancid all in the same day?!?! Did I wake up in 1998 or something?

Aussies win because the shows get better as the tour winds down, of their last "final" tour is any indication.

I have had an unrequited crush on all three members of this band for 15 years now, so my opinion is quite biased, but here's what I am going to say anyway:
Over time, we will look back on Tucker/Brownstein as one of the five best American rock n'roll songwriting teams of their era. Underrated doesn't begin to describe

Rock n'roll idols with kids: so like us!

Carrie probably leaves money on the table from other projects to play and tour with S-K, but, hey, new drums for Janet and a new minivan for Corin ain't gonna pay for themselves: Buy the vinyl from Sub Pop!

This is the Rancid album that holds up best now, even more than "…Wolves", it's probably because of all the solid guest artists, and Matt Freeman is in top form, which is really saying something. A good amount of synergy between all band members as well, maybe for the last time in their career, as it became easier to

Not that anyone will read this, buy I'm putting it out there anyway…

My autistic 7-year old is the same way. He is so excited/happy/anxious that he cries/giggles and rambles on non-stop until all the presents are open. He has helped us make Christmas "work" for him, which is what the season is all about anyway. He had a hand in selecting gifts for extended family ( at least 16 people)

Come onnnnn…the only Bible epic that works today is the story of David. From Saul all the way through Solomon, how have they never managed to get that right? It has everything. Get it done, Hollywood.

Do biographies count? I see Adam Resnick's amazing book is mentioned, so to that one, I will add:
Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph by Jan Swafford. Best Beethoven bio yet, as it combines all the recent research with a unique look at the music and composing process.
Neil Patrick Harris' autobiography- yes, the choose your