A feckless attempt to curry fa

The mid-90s Indians deserve their own 30 for 30. So much awesome.

Brasil will play much better today.

cancer sucks.

No one will ever hit over .300 for 18 seasons again. Ever.

nah, they'll just throw an Olympic-ring tank top (sponsored by Coco-Cola!) on the Big Guy and call it good.

just in time; they just stopped minting pennies in Canada!

So true. It's amazing how world cup games and Olympic games turn me into Captain America.

So, Kaling plays disgust, Hader plays anger, and Pohler plays fear? and, wither John Ratzenberger? Hopeful about this one…

Didn't they just order more A-10 Warthogs recently? What's next? Calvary horses?

In one of the post-Jedi novels, Han paints it black after…someone dies. Not sure it's an upgrade but it might be fun to see on the big screen.

It's funny, buy I don't think of them as anything but perfectly rated. I like them and I like this album a lot,I have very specific memories of listening to it involving travel alone (like many of you, apparently) Glad they got mentioned in this space, but it seems like they are so laid back about their career, that

Yes! Weston! Stick with the first two albums. By all means. There is something so democratic (3 guys each take a turn on vocals!) and genuinely amateur here that seems unlikely to ever be recaptured in the Internet age.
If you don't like "I got a new shirt for school yesterday….Cause I thought maybe you'd like me in

Agreed. It will be interesting to see where this goes. Does she cross-over into the pop world or go back to owning Broadway? These Disney Princess voices have a spotty track record…

Agreed. It will be interesting to see where this goes. Does she cross-over into the pop world or go back to owning Broadway? These Disney Princess voices have a spotty track record…

In addition to being the most infectious ear-worm in recent memory, this ranks very highly on the list of "songs that are super fun to sing that you have no hope of singing in tune", so get ready for some fantastically terrible karaoke nights, sports fans!

In addition to being the most infectious ear-worm in recent memory, this ranks very highly on the list of "songs that are super fun to sing that you have no hope of singing in tune", so get ready for some fantastically terrible karaoke nights, sports fans!

Go ahead and give it a listen. That is, if you enjoy having songs ear-worm their way into your brain for every waking minute for two solid weeks. As songs of that type go, it's not bad.

Harbach should talk. He simply rode one of the biggest PR campaigns for a first-time novelist in recent memory to the bestseller list for The Art of Fielding (which I loved). Here, it seems like he is demonstrating the next-best way to make a living as a writer (and, kindly bringing some friends along for the ride),

Very late to the party, but this show is becoming my life a little bit more with each episode. So now, the Hank/Asperger's plot is happening, and…wow. Amazing stuff. I've never had a TV show resonate with me personally like this one, except maybe Seinfeld, since I have most of George/Larry's neuroses.
Also, that image

Again, I love the way they are stretching this out with Crosby. This car thing makes sense for the character. I can imagine him saying to himself, "at least I still have my own car", without ever referring to it directly in the show, like this was the last thread he has to his "old" life, his last "me" thing. Taken.