A feckless attempt to curry fa

So, Newmar's body, face, hair and chemistry with Adam West, combined with Kitt's voice and overall sultriness then. Done and done.

Soderbergh seems to be the kind of director whose work and legacy will only grow over time, as acclaimed as he is now. Stamp's (wait for it) stamp of approval is a sure sign of Soderbergh's status over time.

Vernon Reid's work on those first two albums was incredible. I still don't know what's going on in that solo on Cult of Personality.

The issue here is not only his views on the subject, but that he seems to be making his pronouncements on the eve of the Ender's Game movie. Financially motivated spiritual convictions are not the most inspiring, much less a worthwhile use of the gift of free speech. 

Forgot another honorable mention: The Orphan Master's son by Adam Johnson. Amazing, terrifying story.

Best this year, released far earlier: The Breaks of the Game by David Halberstam. There's nothing else quite like it.

And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini. Nothing else is even close. The man can write. No details is out of place. Elegant and refined stuff. Can't argue with the fact that its effect on me probably has to do with being a father to young children, but its great regardless.

David Palmer?  Where's Jobu now, indeed…

Charles Grodin. Was anyone less likely to shine as brightly then face away so quickly, like some Hollywood version of Spencer Haywood?

Doesn't DeNiro have another comedic role coming up, too?

Really, right away? Certainly, an artist would want to leave something…artistic to his/her estate and/or living heirs, in terms of financial stability?

Noah, I think you nailed how I felt about the issue in the last paragraph: If it really is "odds and ends" or"unfinished", then advertise it that way. People will buy it either way, but if Tolkien's estate (or its publisher, if the fault lies there) is honest up front, there will be less chance of negative feedback

Bingo. This, and also Reeve nailed the Clark Kent side of the equation because he was such a gifted physical comedian. He has the dashing good looks, etc, and he is by far the best Kent of all the modern "supermen."

I'm with you. I just meant that "choppy editing, muddy visuals" etc. are pretty much Snyder's stock in trade. For Snyder, he pulled it off the best way he knows how, but again, I prefer Singer and Donner's movies overall.

Haven't read far enough into the comments, so apologies if this has already been mentioned.

All of this has resulted in nothing but good things, not the least of which is that Giada DeLaurentis took Deen's old time slot on Food Network. Delicious. 

Sold! Thanks for all the recommendations.

You spoiled by spoiler, but here goes anyway: Lincoln is assassinated!

Thanks for that, I was too afraid to ask about "The Sorrow and the Pity", even though I find it almost impossible to pass up a chance to reference Annie Hall. I think I'll stick with "Sorrow" when in need of sobering, horrific, and depressing media consumption.

Bad Monkey by Carl Hiaasen. I'd compare it to one of his previous novels, but they're all pretty much the same (except maybe Chomp?)