A feckless attempt to curry fa

It's hard to defend this show, because, in most cases, it's the second or third best show in its genre (pretty much anyway you want to define that) but it is significant for two reasons (as pointed up in the article)
1. Shonda Rhimes being the first African-American female showrunner is a major deal. If anything, she

Wow, even Cookie Monster, a major celebrity since the late 70s, gets starry-eyed when talking about Prince.

Claire wins. It's not even close. Almost perfect, because the perfect choice is "Peace in the Valley" by Johnny Cash (San Quentin version)

Take two:

I got this. Had to look up the quote, so it took a minute, but here goes:

The Natalie Imbruglia reference brings to mind another inventory possibility: Hot female solo artists of the 90s. I nominate Heather Nova, Sarah MacLachlan, and Jewel (yes, that Jewel), along with President Imbruglia and Vice-Pres. Kylie Minogue, and Juliana Hatfield. Yeaaaahhh 90s!

Our Lady Peace, Alanis and Spin Doctors…just export half of this inventory and you've got it.

Mike Mills always sounds like that. That's why he's awesome. He's one of those guys who never seems to age much. I have long said that any REM song featuring Mills on vocals gets and automatic half-letter grade bump. (Superman is a solid 9/10).

Do Kim and Kelly still smoke cigarettes on stage? (did I imagine a rumor that one or both had quit smoking?) That's so 90s!

This album, and especially "cannonball" are perfect examples of the times; when a music video could put you in the main stage at Lollapalooza, etc.

Funny, the times were pretty good for me too, buy I just couldn't get into the whole album, because it was so eclectic. At the time, I was looking for that indie pop/punk sound, so I was no so enthused about the "experimental" tunes. I think I was a little too "team Tonya" in the Belly vs. Breeders (non) rivalry.

It's just a matter of time before someone gets caught doing something really fraudulent on Kickstarter or whatever, especially someone already well known, and that will mark the beginning of the end for most folks. The only question is how soon major corporations will start taking advantage and exploiting the

Never realized it in this sense, but that central theme of the gravitational pull thing that happens in small towns is so true, especially the part about an outsider (of Holly Flax-sized influence) being necessary to escape the vortex. Does this ring as true for most everyone, even from larger cities?

As a fellow huge fan of the series, I say:
 you gotta give it a try, if only for Sheryl Lee's Laura Palmer, as noted in the article.

Alyssa Milano was my first thought as well.

Yeah; seems like there's a story here somewhere, other than the fact that Venus is incredibly hot.
 The focus on their relationship seems like a good start. How have they balanced competing against each other without tearing the other apart? Many great sports sibling relationships have been destroyed by fame and

About a Boy?  As in the Hornby novel? Sign me up! That was just dying to be optioned and brought to the screen! Sweet.

No.No,no,no,no,no.  Grimes is the jerk. All that suffering, hard work and triumphing over adversity is fine, yet he lost his humanity along the way (perhaps understandably) and elevated himself above others just because his luck was terrible and they had amazingly good luck. Homer, despite his many faults, at least

Someone please animate the elevator scene described above. Thank you. I never ask for anything. I seriously looked for the "LIKE" button right there after I read it.

"Ok everyone. Just tuck your pants into your socks." (paraphrasing)
There's an old factory in town where I live that I've always wanted to buy and do all the things Bart does in his factory, and of course, to watch the rats run for their lives when the whole place collapses. It truly is the American dream…