A feckless attempt to curry fa

My mistake; it's just a reflex at this point to assume that wrestlers die from PEDs or other drug-related issues. Loved Eddie, his death was a big reason I lost interest in wrasslin.

Funny that I got "pulled back in" to WWE by Rey Mysterio (as well as Ultimo Dragon, Jericho, etc.) just like you did, by my college roommate who stayed with it from grade school all the way through the Attitude era, etc. The peak was Benoit winning the title at  WM 20 in MSG. Then, of course, there was the Benoit

Just shows how nobody involved with this show cares about baseball (like 90% of the country).  If, in some alternative universe, Larry David were running this show, that joke would have been in the pilot. OK, first three episodes tops…

For me, it means more than anything, an end to his suffering. RIP. He will be missed.

I thought the bass player laid down some good licks. He played that slap bass sort of like Les Claypool/Fieldy, except, you know, not as good as those guys. Seemed like and odd fit with the general hippie tone of the music and the band's visual presentation. What happened to that guy?

I liked Gone Girl. No shame in it.

That new Jackie Robinson bio is tempting, despite the fact that a movie is coming and in general, there will be major media saturation.

Read the title story of that one too, (free preview). I liked her spin on the vampire concept, she just didn't really take it anywhere, you know?

The comment at the end about the current revivalist bands was helpful.

A Spanish Snow White remake? Does this make Maribel Verdu the non-union Mexican equivalent of Julia Roberts?
(I know Verdu is from Spain. Just work with me here…)

Yeah, Belly lasted only two albums; I guess I would like a road map for the Hersh and Donnelly solo stuff, post-Muses and post-Belly primarily. There's been a lot of it.

You were in my dream!

Love the comparison of REM and the Muses, Stipe and Hersh are like long-lost twins or something.

too lazy to look: Has there been a Throwing Muses/Hersh/Donnelly/Belly primer and/or gateway to geekery? Can we have one soon if the answer is no? Are we not men?

Question: If its more like buckshot or something in really tiny pieces, could you remove it arthroscopically, if any of it could actually get embedded that deeply? Probably too thick or sharp to remove, huh?

TV doctor show category:
1. On Grey's Anatomy, the Heigl character doing brain surgery with a power drill on a ferry boat. Yes, she's a doctor, but the setting and equipment and relative lack of training make it harrowing, then triumphant. Turned the show in a good direction for the next season or two.

As Johnny Two-times would say,
"like, like"
(different movie, I know, but work with me here)

agreed; makes sense given his comic sensibilities, but I'm sure he could have named 4-5 others if he had thought about it.

Thank you; First one that came to mind. I thought about posting this one from memory. Seeing it in full, I'm glad I didn't try.

I hated him when he was on 120 minutes with Thurston Moore(!) guest-hosting, and he was completely immature and rude, trying waaayyy too hard to be "above" MTV or whatever. Since then, I've come around, because the tunes are that good. Still, that little kernel of "inauthenticity" rings true.