A feckless attempt to curry fa

Sydney has absolutely been the most neglected character by far, and with good reason as noted. Is it just me or is there just nothing likeable about her at all? Spoiled, entitled, bratty…
maybe that will turn around now that Julia and Joel know how she feels, maybe they will give her more depth.

Pregnant: Haddie? Sorry just had to throw that in there.

Pregnant: Haddie? Sorry just had to throw that in there.

Presto is my favorite of the shorts too, since Boundin' I think.

Presto is my favorite of the shorts too, since Boundin' I think.

Hate on Mater all you want, you Mater haters, but the noir-inspired Tall Tales episode is brilliant. He's the least important part of the whole piece, except for one incredibly awesome line he gets towards the end. The Heavy Metal one is pretty funny too. Find it and watch it!

Hate on Mater all you want, you Mater haters, but the noir-inspired Tall Tales episode is brilliant. He's the least important part of the whole piece, except for one incredibly awesome line he gets towards the end. The Heavy Metal one is pretty funny too. Find it and watch it!

Seems like these are time sensitive interviews. The roles were small and Oswalt kept his comments relatively short, so maybe Rabin just made it further down the list than usual?

Seems like these are time sensitive interviews. The roles were small and Oswalt kept his comments relatively short, so maybe Rabin just made it further down the list than usual?

I can't tell you how odd and sad it was to not see a Joe Ranft acting credit in UP and Wall-E, the first couple of Pixar movies that came out after he died. He was amazing.

I can't tell you how odd and sad it was to not see a Joe Ranft acting credit in UP and Wall-E, the first couple of Pixar movies that came out after he died. He was amazing.

He is; it has been addressed extensively this season, in full Cam-tastic style. Although, if Cam falls off the wagon and gains weight again (which is apparently his pattern) would Stonestreet put the weight back on or wear padding underneath the clothes?

He is; it has been addressed extensively this season, in full Cam-tastic style. Although, if Cam falls off the wagon and gains weight again (which is apparently his pattern) would Stonestreet put the weight back on or wear padding underneath the clothes?

They should have figured out a way to get the John Mayer poster that was referenced in last week's ep on the wall. Continuity! Gold, Jerry! Gold!

They should have figured out a way to get the John Mayer poster that was referenced in last week's ep on the wall. Continuity! Gold, Jerry! Gold!

Don't know about his level of interest or whatever, but he'd be a great president of SAG or like, mayor of Hollywood or something. Cool dude.

Don't know about his level of interest or whatever, but he'd be a great president of SAG or like, mayor of Hollywood or something. Cool dude.

Skating's golden age. Dogtown and Z-Boys was excellent, so no doubt this one will be good as well. 

Skating's golden age. Dogtown and Z-Boys was excellent, so no doubt this one will be good as well. 

A Latino horror movie? So, what, it's just a compilation of Romney campaign speeches?