A feckless attempt to curry fa

A Latino horror movie? So, what, it's just a compilation of Romney campaign speeches?

I wasn't joking about Barney back there. The guy is textbook Reactive attachment/Narcississtic personality (most of the time, anyway.) In TV Land, he's awesome. In real life, he's in jail with Jack Skilling and Tom Lay or killed off by STDs and/or a jealous ex. Great character though!

I wasn't joking about Barney back there. The guy is textbook Reactive attachment/Narcississtic personality (most of the time, anyway.) In TV Land, he's awesome. In real life, he's in jail with Jack Skilling and Tom Lay or killed off by STDs and/or a jealous ex. Great character though!

They're salty wha…Oh, never mind…

They're salty wha…Oh, never mind…

It's Salbass, like the fish. Get it right, guys.

It's Salbass, like the fish. Get it right, guys.

His writing on Jefferson is good stuff. Start there.

His writing on Jefferson is good stuff. Start there.

To me, the strongest representation of a character with mental illness (currently) is Barney on How I Met Your Mother. That said, the review of this show definitely pushes it up the list of "shows I should check out sometime soon".

To me, the strongest representation of a character with mental illness (currently) is Barney on How I Met Your Mother. That said, the review of this show definitely pushes it up the list of "shows I should check out sometime soon".

Sincerely,  congratulations on your recovery and keep up the good work. (For what it's worth, seeing that I am a complete stranger)

Sincerely,  congratulations on your recovery and keep up the good work. (For what it's worth, seeing that I am a complete stranger)

When I was like 13, I watched Ghost at my buddies house with his mom and whole family there too. I think I had already seen it, so knowing what's coming (the immortal pottery scene) made it much worse.

When I was like 13, I watched Ghost at my buddies house with his mom and whole family there too. I think I had already seen it, so knowing what's coming (the immortal pottery scene) made it much worse.

sista soulja is on the airwaves now, negotiating his release.

sista soulja is on the airwaves now, negotiating his release.

I liked him best too, I think. I remember the Heinrich/Miller line from Paul Shirley a few years ago. Regardless, it's a good thing David Lee and Kevin Love came along, huh?

I liked him best too, I think. I remember the Heinrich/Miller line from Paul Shirley a few years ago. Regardless, it's a good thing David Lee and Kevin Love came along, huh?

Can't remember if this little speech was before or after, but it always reminds me of Jerry's "Yes, I was very wise to hitch my wagon to his star" line, which is one of my favorite lines on the show. Good one.