A feckless attempt to curry fa

The Dead Do not Improve is (also) a phrase that comes up when sports nerds talk about Hall of Fame credentials of current players, meaning you can't keep new guys out just because the old guys played in a more talent rich, PED-free league and/or you can't necessarily rank the new guys ahead of all the old guys even if

the 1992 version of Morrissey is definitely my favorite ever. Right look, perfect band, great songs. Then he decided to get old. Alas…

the 1992 version of Morrissey is definitely my favorite ever. Right look, perfect band, great songs. Then he decided to get old. Alas…

In college, that 500 miles song (the one that died with Marshall's Fiero on How I Met Your Mother) would come on and everybody (and by that I mean no less than 60% of the room) started bouncing along in a sort of make-shift conga line. Strange days, indeed. But, fun. 

In college, that 500 miles song (the one that died with Marshall's Fiero on How I Met Your Mother) would come on and everybody (and by that I mean no less than 60% of the room) started bouncing along in a sort of make-shift conga line. Strange days, indeed. But, fun. 

Never thought Corin would be the one that you could imagine bringing home to introduce to your mom, then marry (I was ridiculously infatuated with Carrie for a long time. Still am, but not the same as before) She is pulling off this rockstar/mom balancing act very well. Love, love.

Never thought Corin would be the one that you could imagine bringing home to introduce to your mom, then marry (I was ridiculously infatuated with Carrie for a long time. Still am, but not the same as before) She is pulling off this rockstar/mom balancing act very well. Love, love.

Major psych-nerd alert here. I have held a vague notion for sometime now that, if I had some (really) disposable income, I would invest in first editions of classic psychology and counseling texts. William James, Sal Minuchin, Rodgers, etc. Doesn't get more nerdy than that,

Major psych-nerd alert here. I have held a vague notion for sometime now that, if I had some (really) disposable income, I would invest in first editions of classic psychology and counseling texts. William James, Sal Minuchin, Rodgers, etc. Doesn't get more nerdy than that,

Thank you for this, didn't even consider that the kids were so jaded and cynical that they would want to use psychology purely for evil ;) Totally agree that moral reasoning is far more essential and interesting and underrepresented in the lit; (maybe now more than ever!) I would argue that the current vets would

Thank you for this, didn't even consider that the kids were so jaded and cynical that they would want to use psychology purely for evil ;) Totally agree that moral reasoning is far more essential and interesting and underrepresented in the lit; (maybe now more than ever!) I would argue that the current vets would

Take note, all you Psych 101 professors out there. If you really want to capture your students' attention and turn them into lifelong students of psychology and/or psychologists, please skip the Freud/William James foundational stuff until later, and start with Milgram and Stanford. Watching the Milgram footage was

Take note, all you Psych 101 professors out there. If you really want to capture your students' attention and turn them into lifelong students of psychology and/or psychologists, please skip the Freud/William James foundational stuff until later, and start with Milgram and Stanford. Watching the Milgram footage was

Can you blame her? She's had really rich people kissing her butt  like Edie and Steve from the Frank Sinatra sketch since she was 15. And they say LeBron is out of touch…

Can you blame her? She's had really rich people kissing her butt  like Edie and Steve from the Frank Sinatra sketch since she was 15. And they say LeBron is out of touch…

Too soon?

Too soon?

The Taylor-Avril joke was the best in a while for The Hater, except for the bad timing of going against the newswire item about Avril marrying the Nickelback guy. Shame. All the way around really. 

The Taylor-Avril joke was the best in a while for The Hater, except for the bad timing of going against the newswire item about Avril marrying the Nickelback guy. Shame. All the way around really. 

I wouldn't even know this show existed if I didn't have a kid with autism. Married with kids is almost a prerequisite for getting this show, but its also pretty good on its own merits.