A feckless attempt to curry fa

I wouldn't even know this show existed if I didn't have a kid with autism. Married with kids is almost a prerequisite for getting this show, but its also pretty good on its own merits.

As far as Parenthood goes, he really is the casting choice that ties the whole thing together. Katims has a knack for finding "that" guy, of course, but, Shepard is loose and seems to be pretty much in real-life like the character. At the same time, they give him his fair share of "actressing" scenes, and he holds his

As far as Parenthood goes, he really is the casting choice that ties the whole thing together. Katims has a knack for finding "that" guy, of course, but, Shepard is loose and seems to be pretty much in real-life like the character. At the same time, they give him his fair share of "actressing" scenes, and he holds his

Message from my 14-year-old self: Tiffany sucks!. Debbie fan for life. She writes her own songs and everything!

Message from my 14-year-old self: Tiffany sucks!. Debbie fan for life. She writes her own songs and everything!

I have lived a relatively long life and, until now, I did not know that Del is Ice Cube's cousin. Fascinating really. How could I not know that? Thanks Rabin. Knowledge is power.

I have lived a relatively long life and, until now, I did not know that Del is Ice Cube's cousin. Fascinating really. How could I not know that? Thanks Rabin. Knowledge is power.

I just got on board with this show, only 4 episodes into S1 right now.  All signs point to the show getting better, so…yea for me.

I just got on board with this show, only 4 episodes into S1 right now.  All signs point to the show getting better, so…yea for me.

Seriously, can this primer be like a permanent link on the AV homepage that you can just go to in times of need? You can put it right next to the AV Club logo and alongside the other new permanent link to the They Might Be Giants cover from last year. Thanks.

Seriously, can this primer be like a permanent link on the AV homepage that you can just go to in times of need? You can put it right next to the AV Club logo and alongside the other new permanent link to the They Might Be Giants cover from last year. Thanks.

It's still worth checking out regularly I think. There are usually some gems from unexpected sources, like the Penn State guy who wrote some really strong pieces after the Sandusky situation blew up last year. For the record, I am a big Kang fan. But, hey, at least it's free, right?

It's still worth checking out regularly I think. There are usually some gems from unexpected sources, like the Penn State guy who wrote some really strong pieces after the Sandusky situation blew up last year. For the record, I am a big Kang fan. But, hey, at least it's free, right?

If you could steal anyone's voice like Ursula the Sea Witch, certainly it would be Kelsey Grammer's with maybe Alan Rickman coming in a distant second?

If you could steal anyone's voice like Ursula the Sea Witch, certainly it would be Kelsey Grammer's with maybe Alan Rickman coming in a distant second?

I always thought that John Mahoney's casting as the father was equally brilliant.

I always thought that John Mahoney's casting as the father was equally brilliant.

I'm pulling for Rio 2016 to be a series of "gee, Bob, that was the slowest gold medal 100 m win in 30 years…" since everyone will be having too much fun partying, laying on the beach, etc. Should be awesome.

I'm pulling for Rio 2016 to be a series of "gee, Bob, that was the slowest gold medal 100 m win in 30 years…" since everyone will be having too much fun partying, laying on the beach, etc. Should be awesome.

Katey Sagal is the Benjamin Button of Hollywood actresses. She's also putting up a "sneaky good" Hall of Fame level acting career. She deserves it.