A feckless attempt to curry fa

Just dropped by to say that the Bluth family doing the chicken dance is the funniest running gag in the history of television. That is all.

Just dropped by to say that the Bluth family doing the chicken dance is the funniest running gag in the history of television. That is all.

I think with Prince Of Egypt casting big stars was essential, since DreamWorks maybe doubted the bankability of a cartoon bible movie, so…you draw people in with the big names. However, because it did work fantastically for that movie (Ralph Fiennes in particular was amazing), now it seems like industry standard to

I think with Prince Of Egypt casting big stars was essential, since DreamWorks maybe doubted the bankability of a cartoon bible movie, so…you draw people in with the big names. However, because it did work fantastically for that movie (Ralph Fiennes in particular was amazing), now it seems like industry standard to

I do. It completely changed my perception of the whole family. Very disturbing, Couldn't agree with your statement more.

I do. It completely changed my perception of the whole family. Very disturbing, Couldn't agree with your statement more.

I want to like Aes more, but his mental status has always been a question for me. Just anticipating a Newswire item titled "Rapper Aesop Rock committed to mental health facility."  Gotta check out that Hail Mary Mallon stuff too.

I want to like Aes more, but his mental status has always been a question for me. Just anticipating a Newswire item titled "Rapper Aesop Rock committed to mental health facility."  Gotta check out that Hail Mary Mallon stuff too.

What's not to buy in to? Creed was #1 the following week and for a long time after. Pretty representative of the times for sure. Is This It? is forever linked with Sept.11 that it feels like it belongs to an entirely different era than Creed or NiN. Everything changed within that small 2-year window from 99 to 2001

What's not to buy in to? Creed was #1 the following week and for a long time after. Pretty representative of the times for sure. Is This It? is forever linked with Sept.11 that it feels like it belongs to an entirely different era than Creed or NiN. Everything changed within that small 2-year window from 99 to 2001

"like"d for the "I don't need hair" line. Made me laugh out loud.

"like"d for the "I don't need hair" line. Made me laugh out loud.

Runaways pretty much is inevitable. There are probably 5 different script treatments being written as we speak. And if Vaughn is not available for some reason to direct, then maybe they can get that Whedon guy to do it. He could use the work. 

Runaways pretty much is inevitable. There are probably 5 different script treatments being written as we speak. And if Vaughn is not available for some reason to direct, then maybe they can get that Whedon guy to do it. He could use the work. 

Wouldn't it work even better as a TV series? No where to go but up if you give enough time for characters to develop, etc. While we're here, I love that Dwayne McDuffie got some attention in this inventory; he was a major talent and had a really fun and memorable run on Fantastic Four. Makes me wonder why we haven't

Wouldn't it work even better as a TV series? No where to go but up if you give enough time for characters to develop, etc. While we're here, I love that Dwayne McDuffie got some attention in this inventory; he was a major talent and had a really fun and memorable run on Fantastic Four. Makes me wonder why we haven't

No chance for a Thunderbolt movie that would work. It would almost definitely have to be R-Rated (the death-knell of box office hits), and no way does Disney go for that, Although, if a 200-250 million R-rated comic book movie would actually make a profit, they would have to think about it.

No chance for a Thunderbolt movie that would work. It would almost definitely have to be R-Rated (the death-knell of box office hits), and no way does Disney go for that, Although, if a 200-250 million R-rated comic book movie would actually make a profit, they would have to think about it.

I was thinking about something like this: throw together a bunch of the Image titles into one movie, see what sticks and go from there. They would probably suck, but I could totally see some studio somewhere throwing money at a project like that.

I was thinking about something like this: throw together a bunch of the Image titles into one movie, see what sticks and go from there. They would probably suck, but I could totally see some studio somewhere throwing money at a project like that.