A feckless attempt to curry fa

My love for the Whatley character (and really Bryan Cranston in general) completely blurs my sense of objectivity about the yada-yada episode. It's great. The Millennium episode…is okay. Couple of fun moments, especially the Yankees stuff.

I am about as big a defender of Sims as there is on this board, but devoting two sentences (albeit, well-written ones. see?) to the majesty of the Mandelbaums is inexcusable.
Sims thinks he's better than us, doesn't he?

That's pretty much the theme of living on the Upper West Side, too.

RIP, Scooter.

Wow. A Carrie marriage proposal in the first comment! 13 (or 9?) hours too late, as always…

I'm all for surreal nuttiness in my late Season Seinfeld plotlines, but come on…in what universe is Cristine Taylor NOT pretty much flawless? I get the joke, especially the pay-off of the Seinfields' ringing endorsement, but seriously? It's Christine Taylor. She's delightful.

There is a lot of meta-commentary in this season, that realkramer/real peterman thing is the icing on the self-referential cake (…muffin top)
At first, they hinted at getting syndicated, Jerry becoming filthy rich, then they borrowed more from real-life (I'm pretty sure the buying of stories thing had some real-life

Of course I wanted the sponge cake! I love sponge cake!

My Dr. Katz avatar was a little nervous that he would be on the list (he is a bit of an anxious, although brilliant, guy), but came away instead chuckling and shaking his head ruefully by the end.
Except in the case of Lucy, who could see where psychiatry was headed 50 years ago
"If we can pinpoint what you're afraid

Their career breaks down into two phases basically, coinciding with their (first) peak at 1999-2000, and then everything since then, which has grown progressively more political and eclectic musically. The heart has always been questlove and blackthought, though, so you really can't go wrong by either starting at the

We played that one in high school band for the Christmas concert every year…our only hit ;)

I think the meta joke here is about syndication, but is might have more to do with the unique "lost in translation" aspects of this show, as illustrated by the Japanese executive's confusion about the butler storyline.

He's offended when they don't try to recruit him, but at first he just wanted them over so he could turn them down.

Yep. Jerry uses "who is this?" for this one and the "Uncle Leo?" call is when George needs another picture of man-hands to get into the "hidden city of models" club.

Star Wars seems to have a lot of these, or maybe not? Star Wars nerds will surely congregate in these reasonable discussions , so they can answer my questions:

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Hugely disappointing other than the awesomeness of David Bowie as the ghostly FBI agent.

Love this song, as well as Girlfriend, but I think my favorite is We're the Same (from 100% Fun). Amazing how well his stuff holds up, 20-25 years later.

I think that's why cooks are the most hardcore drug addicts anywhere, Besides politicians, of course…

Really? His chili rice recipe is in the regular rotation here. Free pass for that one, I think.

second on New York Doll, the ultimate "timing is everything" documentary. You know, before that became a thing.