A feckless attempt to curry fa

Of course! Thanks. Hadn't seen this one in a while.

Here's a stray observation for ya:
Why on earth would George ever trust Kramer with a camera, in the wake of the Elaine Christmas card nip-slip disaster?

Sold! I will option this right now. Let's replace Busey with the guy who played Walter Peck  (William Atherton) in Ghostbusters and we'll start pre-production meetings in the morning.

I think her point was that the old notion that there is a certain "way" to be feminist is in itself limiting, therefore, kind of anti-feminist in concept. But then again, I'm a guy and therefore not qualified to talk about this,since I played football and video games instead of going to college.

You really can't cheat in Candy Land, outside of stacking the deck maybe or "choosing" not to take the short cut, but beating down your kid in chess is definitely good parenting.

not that you'll read this at this late point, but it was Dustin Rowles on his site Pajiba. He's good. Full of hate.

Ahhh, Out of Sight. The movie for which the term "Lifetime Pass" has never been put to better use. Unless, of course, you're counting the immortal "Jenny from the Block" video.

Her dog. He makes her drink a dog smoothie. I know because the review I read spoiled the whole thing to make sure that there was no reason for anyone to ever see this. One of my favorite reviews ever.

Yep. Near death experiences can do that to a person. (and I didn't spoil it for you, OP.)

Re: the wealthiest Bravermans

"I also think Craig T. Nelson and Bedelia are underused, so an episode
that gave both of them something interesting to do was just fine in my

So…basically Janet and Carrie got tired of working with Corrin? I knew it! ;)

Someone here must know the "true story", but my impression has been that S-K broke up (went on hiatus, whatever), because Corrin wanted to stay home more to raise her kid? Or what is a creative differences kind of thing? (someone wanting to do her own thing) Either way, shades of Paul McCartney and John Lennon towards

If you had a TV, you'd probably put a bird on it, wouldn't you?

Really? I think their sound really grew and matured from the Call the Doctor and Dig Me Out days.The vocals became more distinct (you could always tell the difference between a Carrie song or a Corrin song after say The Hot Rock.) And if anything, you have Janet's drumming on the later albums, which really pushed them

Had a hard time tracing this back, but ultimately I think my maiden voyage was:

They have all had numerous enemies, but I was thinking more like their arch-nemeses/counterparts. I guess the closest one for Kramer would be Feldman (the Bizarro Kramer who knocks on the door) but that was too obvious since they all had bizarro counterparts in that one. Maybe Mickey is the anti-Kramer?

Agreed. She's the anti-Elaine the show needed. George had Lloyd Braun. Jerry had Bania and/or Newman, Elaine had Sue Ellen. It helps that Brenda Strong is all kinds of awesome in real life too. She has a yoga place in LA and everything.

no self-respecting TV writer should watch TV.

They had a little excerpt in Sports Illustrated a couple of weeks ago. it's a really engaging read, with some well-defined characters. The baseball stuff hits just the right tone. Plus, I don't think there's been a name as cool as Aparicio Rodriguez in a long time, so there's that.