A feckless attempt to curry fa

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room stuck with me for a while, helped foster a little more anger towards this country's venture capitalists. This was at the beginning of the wave of "major white collar criminal and general scumbaggery" genre, potentially reducing the effectiveness now that it had when I saw it (we're

@ pairesta- you gotta get the DVDs, sometimes they cut the post-credit stuff on TV, so we can enjoy more commercials.

Are we sure this is all laugh track? They must have done it fairly quickly (you don't want to ask THE Velvet Fog to sing on multiple takes, especially for a cheap gag), so it could have been a genuine cast and crew laughing moment, right?

too late
just when I thought I had him all figured out…He's always a step ahead!

Even if you hate the limo, it's a keeper if only for the scene where Gorge calls his mother from the limo. Perfection.

good list
100 different Seinfeld fans could make one and you wouldn't get any that agreed 100%. That being said, I also have to endorse The Pen and the Marine Biologist, the Dinner Party and the Boyfriend, as well as Honorable Mention for the oft-reviled Moyle episode, although that one is mostly nostalgic. I'd switch

Sandler hates old guys
especially authority figures, I just love how this theme shines through all the 90s era Sandler movies.

Michelle Forbes
One of George's least-likely girlfriends, or the least likely? It's a long list, admittedly, and a lot of them come in this season, but wow…no chance.

Sometimes this is mentioned in the Parenthood thread
But, here goes. Katims seems to have figured out that its okay to cast actual teenagers to play teenagers in dramatic role (not for every role, obviously, but if an actor fits the part, etc.) I think this is one of the main things that makes his stuff really

Does cookie monster read the Hater?
I'm sure he'll be along any minute now to weigh in on the Girl Scout vs. other kinds of cookies debate. Pretty much the cookie authority figure 'round these parts.

In Dr. Drew's defense (sigh) He apparently does have a board certification in addiction medicine, you'd have to include sexual addictions and eating disorder to get that, so… there's that. He never would have been a good therapist, though, way too didactic and authoritarian. My Dr. Katz avatar disapproves.

Greg Proops
Worst voice of Bob The Builder ever.

Woody Allen as a romantic icon
Having been lucky enough to discover a few Woody Allen movies as a small-town upstate New Yorker (might as well be Alabama, except for the astronauts), I had the exact opposite reaction to Woody being a viable romantic lead. Let's just say it was a revelation to see a nerdy, short,

Agreed. You pretty much have to turn Venom over to a real nut-job like Remender or Ellis to make him into anything remotely interesting. However, how long can Remender put off introducing Spidey to the proceedings?

Speaking of outdated forms of media, Sports Illustrated has a piece this week about just how obsolete Harold Baines and anyone else who is primarily a DH is becoming in baseball this year. Also, it touched on how unlikely he is to be voted into the Hall of Fame…due primarily to being only a DH for the latter half of

"Jerry, you're like Rosa Parks."

Old comment, new thread
It turns out that music that you first hear and love between 15 and 19 will resonate with you emotionally more so than any music you listen to at any other time (throughout your life). This has to do with developmental things happening in the brain and changing neurotransmitter levels in

1988, actually, but yeah, I love that band. I still don't know what Vernon Reid is doing in that guitar solo for "Cult of Personality."

That suit that George guarded and wore to the interview
was terrible. Swished all over the place. What was he thinking?

Real mormons prefer "fetch" or ""fetchin'" as their go to fake swear word of choice.