A feckless attempt to curry fa

Exhibit #34,678 in the case against Ratner ever directing a move again: not enough Ellen Page/Kitty Pryde in X-Men 3.

Not an expert on Asperger's, but the lack of social skills and the ability to empathically respond to people appropriately is part of the disorder. They don't necessarily want to live in their "own little world", but they find it at least much more comfortable than trying to figure out what to do in the "real world."

Not a '93 Phillie, but I'm pulling rank here and going with my favorite:

So how many Gregg Jeffries rookies did you have?
I had like 20. That worked out great…

Yeah, that and the reminder of the glam band roots kind of sheds this band (minus Eddie Vedder) in something of a new light for me. It's hard to remember them this way, because of all the SERIOUS ROCK BAND sheen that Vedder has contributed over the years.

It's a Wonderful Life
Like most of the classics, what you get out of this one changes as you go through different stages of your life. For me, the scene where George says "why'd we have so many kids" seemed to be so out of character…until I had kids myself.
I don't know if there is a parent on earth who can't relate

Craig T. Nelson will always be Coach Hayden Fox to me.

This whole "Dinner Party" episode was pretty much Cookie Monster porn, really.
I'm pretty sure when things get tense when they sit down to negotiate his contract with Sesame Street, they just slip this one into the old DVD player and get Cookie all distracted and he signs off on the same contract he's had for the past

Ring Dings and Pepsi
Couldn't agree more. Point, Costanza.

I always loved the little solidarity nod that Jerry gives to the black guy in the bakery after his big cookie speech. Fun little moment, and the classic "Jerry's head gets a little too big, results in disastrous consequences for him (in this case, with the vomit streak) or others" (in the case of Babu's all-Pakastani

I wonder if Carol Leifer had a hand in pulling in Phillip Baker Hall from the Larry-verse? Always good to see him and he was fantastic in this!

I think what Yan Xishan was trying to say is: "this guy, this is not my kind of guy"

Lucille drinking Kitty under the table on AD
One of the highlights of the show, especially because of the way that Jessica Walter is just killing it and soaking up every moment. So much fun.

Great one-episode character. I also like the ticket window guy when Kramer tries to pick up the tickets without ID.

Kramer, Larry and Jerry
Between the three of them (real-life Kenny Kramer, Larry and Jerry) do you think any one them have worked in an actual 9-5 job for more than say, a year? Would they scrape together 5 years total taken all together?

Well I could keep it above
but then it wouldn't be sky anymore,
so if I send it to you you've got to promise to keep it whole…

I was introduced to them via Undercover as well, and Civilian has been on heavy rotation in my office lately. Maybe my favorite (relatively) new artist of the past couple of years.

Mike Mills
I only mentioned this in passing in a previous thread, but the more I think about it, the more prominent Mike Mills is in any given song (lead and harmonizing vocals, keys, rad bass licks) the more I tend to like the song/album, in general. There might be exceptions, but can't think of any off the top of my

Ugh, one of my least favorite bands for playing the "rank the albums" game. To me, time and place, mood and the vocal input of Mike Mills are so key to whichever ranking I might make, and I am likely to change them at a moment's notice.

The Roseanne show, especially Roseanne herself, was maybe the best at making it seem like the characters genuinely laughed at each other. Claire Huxtable always laughed at the "right" times too.