A feckless attempt to curry fa

They all have awesome laughs, but Elaine's is the greatest. And, normally, it's kind of grating when people laugh at their own jokes but it's always entertaining when you hear Jerry or Larry David laughing right along with the studio audience off camera, at something they probably wrote a few minutes before the taping.

sure, sure
Still use this in everyday speech; I don't even mean for it to come out as cynically and dismissive as Paul Newman sounds when he says it, but it's one of my worst long-standing habits.

"We win so radically in our underwear before our first cup of coffee, it's scary."

"Every day is just filled with just wins. All we do is put wins in the record books." He then added, "We win so radically in our
Fantasy baseball team names and/or yearbook quotes for the next five years! Thanks again, Charlie.

In your lifetime vs. before it
Sorry if this was covered in the 1966 installment (too laze to search through the threads), but it turns out that the most crucial element in the degree to which music affects you with the greatest intensity has to do with your own chronological age, more than when the actual music was

Wait, I thought people loved A Bug's Life because it was a ripoff of The Seven Samurai.

Haven't commented in several months (firewalls! what's up with them?), but I couldn't pass on the chance to cast my vote for season 5 as my all-time favorite overall. I know, I know, now you can all get some sleep at night.

+10 internets
to anyone who successfully sells this as a rom-com to his wife/gf fully knowing that Hathaway is naked in it. Dana Stevens compared it to About Last Night with Rob Lowe and Demi Moore, so…maybe there's hope if it's presented as a sophisticated take on adult sexuality and relationships?


On my way to the Lottery Ticker thread just to see if you completed the trifecta…and fulfilled your destiny, frogwise. Don't let me down.

Talk about dated lines
"Smoking? You're like going out with C. Everett Koop." The oft-overlooked U.S. Surgeon General as prime material for comedy shows.

Failed firsties/thirdsies, since the line is THIRD base coach. Third base! ugh!

@ sir osis

I am a hoarder
I print out and stack up copies of The Tolerability Index. All over my house. Can I have a show about me too?

Violent Femmes 3 is really underrated. Still can't touch the first album, but a very similar vibe.

In a way, "Stacy's Mom" is the worst thing that could have happened to Fountains of Wayne. Adam Schlesinger is one of the better song writers in pop music right now, and would have likely cruised right along quietly making FoW albums, writing songs for movies, etc. Now, the band has a kind of one-hit wonder label

my vote
Yes: the Luke part

Kirby drawing Thor comics
My uncle had a few of those early Thor comics (along with hundreds of other Marvel comics from that era) and Kirby's Asgard in all its glory represented high art in my pre-adolescent brain, along with his FF space adventures and Steve Ditko's Green Goblin. Always makes me feel like a kid

You are right on about her on both counts: her powers and her relationship with Tara. You still are not prepared for just how right you are…on one of those items. One of the great character arcs in any recent TV series for my money. Keep watching!

@Schiels: I disagree about Bania. I think that's Jerry mocking all the observational hack comics that rode his coattails in the early 90s.