A feckless attempt to curry fa

I hate to keep doing this, but between this comment and the previous one, I want to add my usual two cents about Larry resenting Jerry (a little).

Oh, and just because I'm sure people will mention this later, on the DVD commentary, Julia talks about being very sick because she was pregnant with her first child while filming the subway scene. So, yeah, the anguish on her face is not acting.

Wayne Knight
His Newman character is so essential to the show. Can't get enough of him. Wayne Knight is very gifted (and now, skinny!)

Imperioli. Yikes. What happened up there?

Christopher has always been my favorite character on the show, especially in later seasons, although he wasn't as funny and I also think Impeoilo is very good and totally underrated in the role (maybe because he plays Chistopher as such a horrible actor?)

Excellent, Too (two?) much time! Got my biggest laugh of the day.

It's all about the Pentiums.
Weird Al always seems to have this keen sense of the moment, and how quickly it will soon fade away. I think Pentium's is my favorite example. Old technology AND old rapper parlance. Double win!

I heard that NPR piece about the duets too. So bizarre. I just imagine Snoop listening to that, easing back in his Lazy-Boy while lighting another blunt with a $100 bill and chuckling to himself, "man….white people are funny…"

nothing to add here, but I just wanted to say that I love this Roseanne quote and I hope it's true, and I think she's absolutely right. But to me, that's a good thing.

Here, in Upstate NY, it's enforced almost never…until winter. Screws up the snow removal efforts when there are cars all over the road.

Kramer's Jacket
I meant to mention this last week, but you beat me to it again, Sims. I am of the opinion that Kramer's jacket is one of the most important pieces of costuming in the history of the series, and maybe even in all of TV comedy. Yeah, you have the puffy shirt, but there are few instances in which a

You should have waited until college before quitting the Mormons. Nothing's forbidden in ballroom dance class ;)

Filmed in Utah
A girl from my town who went to BYU was in a couple of dance sequences. This movie is probably more popular in Utah Valley right now than it is anywhere else in the country. I guess this would seem ironic, but that's because most people don't realize that Mormons love dancing. Always have.

Yeah, they resolved the possibility of a George crush on Elaine by making here really, really mean to him whenever possible. Kind of snuffs out the flame a little. They would have gotten together and had triplets or something if this show was more like Friends.

hahahaha! You loser! Your job is…

I say this with an unblemished record of staunch heterosexuality
He looks fabulous!

He sure was dramatic. No doubt about that.
There's one I vaguely remember about how everyone is leaving the church to get closer to God. There was a longer riff about how his school was so tough they had a coroner, etc.

Hmmm…I disagree. It seemed quite likely that Maron would in fact have some sort of Aristocrats joke on hand, since he has been in the business for years and it's definitely within his comic sensibilities. I like that Maron had never even heard it before, so the response alone made it worth asking.

@ Warren Oates

A new A7x album
and Rock Band 3 coming up in just a few months. Coincidence? I have only ever heard these guys via videogames (the song on SSX was pretty okay)