
The map is probably based on the political borders of the time. During the late 1400's and early 1500's, most of the islands in the Eastern Mediterranean were controlled by Venice and former crusader states while the Ottomans controlled the mainland. For instance, Rhodes, Cyprus, and Crete only came under Ottoman rule

"Some animals can fill spaces you never even knew existed."

Moby Dick is by far the greatest American novel ever based on a drum solo.

I'm trying to think about a Wes Anderson version, oh wait, that's the Life Aquatic…

Favorite line of Starship Mine, Picard discussing his saddle:

"He is an excellent sparring partner."

You're making me regret that we never had a mirror universe evil Picard, who boils his enemies in Earl Grey.

You're making me regret that we never had a mirror universe evil Picard, who boils his enemies in Earl Grey.

"Time Travel Through the Bible"
I'm not sure if we've touched on this before, but I came across this unintentionally hilarious documentary on Netflix that had Johnathon Frakes in old testament garb going through time portals.

"But when I pulled on one of those threads… it had unraveled the tapestry of my life."
Great write-up again Zach, it's still rather amazing and miraculous that we can get an intelligent commentator and hundreds of people to discuss a cheesy 20-year old TV show.

That would've been a great touch if Picard found a tactical manual somewhere, and he learned that his move was now "The Jellico Maneuver" or something.

I'm going to say the same thing to St. Peter someday.

I'm going to say the same thing to St. Peter someday.

I agree, It's a tough call between Darmok and this one for me, but I think Tapestry is the perfect example of how the "anything can happen" sci-fi aspect of the show allowed it to tell meaningful stories that few other shows could pull off.

There was an instance where a reporter told Gene that surely they would have cured baldness in the 24th century. Gene's reply:

Universal Translator
I was just thinking what if Picard has really been speaking French the entire show and the universal translator turns it into badass British English? Then after the Cardassians stripped him, he could yell something like,

Part of me wants to see a Spiner fake poster babbling about the intricacies of his acting "method" and complaining that his acting skills are wasted playing Data. He could be the 'straight man' to balance out Frake's booze and cocaine fueled debauchery.

It's interesting to note that Asperger's still exists in the 24th century.

Non Sequitur, but is that a Van Morrison reference? And if so, why the giant skull? My positronic net is having a difficult time comprehending this…

@Toddg - ST:09 (aka Star Trek: Space Action Movie in Space) woud probably make the best impression, but it's a bad introduction because it IS NOT STAR TREK, and says nothing about whether someone would actually enjoy any of the shows.