
(Mike Meyers pauses, then continues asking for donations)

"the concept of an ongoing primetime musical is still unusual"

I know whenever I kick down a door, blue pulsating lights scare the shit out of me. And if I'm in a particularly passionate rage brought on by unrequited desire and misplaced mother-issues, a shrieking alarm is sure to snap me back into the right frame of mind so that I don't do something, ya know, crazy.

That powerpoint e-mail was sent to me. I was the latest link in the long chain. There was an interesting history of previous recipients, most having @irs.gov in their e-mail address. Your tax dollars at work!

Let's not forget the Automated Teller Machines that ask for our Personal Identification Number Number.

Mad Men and Casablanca must drive these people batshit.

As a proud member of the Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen, I feel obliged to weigh in.
Plaid below the belt-line may be acceptably worn in only non-breeching garment. The exception is if the pattern is indeed the tartan of a clan of which you are a member. Then go nuts. (It should be noted that you'll still look like

I'm pulling out the skinning knives and sewing machine so I can make my Gonzo thong and be on the cutting edge of fashion.
Also, the nose will make my junk look bigger…

Does Zack Snyder masturbate in slow motion?
Does he think of men with overbuilt pec's when he does it?
Will he ever have an original idea that forces him to actually direct instead of pointing to a frame from a comic book and saying, "DO THAT!"

Teutonically ideal… bodice… will soon be right with… the pervasive fear… at frat parties.

ditto to you both.

All I ever got out of it was a fucking Harvard diploma.

Modest Mousse

"Denny's. It's here or fucking tacos again."

When I inhale helium, I usually pass out. Fuckin' tanks need a safety or something…

True. Most of them smile, then say, "Do you have a card? I feel good things about this project! I will totally get in touch with you in two to three days!"
It's the shiny suave Hollywood way of saying, "Fuck off and die."

Also, roughly 50% of all people who eat a diet containing high fructose corn syrup score below average on intelligence tests!

I remember they'd let the really cool jocks, the Football and Basketball players, they'd let them get away with hugging, hi-fives, slapping and groping each others ass-cheeks, duck taping the new guy's pubic hair, and circle jerks in the showers… man, I wish I was cool…

Huh… wait, you mean what I wrote could apply to people? Jinkies, then that would mean that last bit about "lots of people with nothing better to do have been there" could be seen as maybe sexual in nature… Good eye, there, PT.

I believe "popular" is correct. If you think back to high school, you'll remember that "popular" was not as synonymous with "quality" as it was with "lots of people with nothing better to do have been there".