
I came on here to read comments and give it a low community grade… and it appears like the site is out of community grades. =(

I liked the movie quite a bit, but I found the second post-credits scene really off-putting.

I feel like the payoff, Sheldon explaining why he wasn't upset about the DVD, was far too disappointing. And it just outed him as being more of a jerk. But I did like that they brought Lucy back.

I liked this episode. I saw the twist coming, but I still like the way old characters are being brought back like Dr. Yap.

I wish this episode had had more Bill Nye.

Coulson wondering about why he feels different? Maybe we'll find out more about what happened to him? NOPE.

Geez, this episode just went nowhere. I don't think ANY of the stories were entertaining.


This episode really did feel different in tone. I laughed less than usual, but there were still some great moments. I really liked the strong way Linda rebuked Upskirt Kurt's advances. There are not a lot of strong female characters in animated comedies who would HEADBUTT the guy. …While holding a glass of wine.

I went into this expecting it to be terrible… but I was surprisingly entertained. Although some of it didn't click (the Stewie subplot, anything with Quagmire's dad), I really liked a few of the cutaways, and the Joe's birthday gag. I guess I wish they had done something a little more profound with the story, but it

Satisfaction was HORRIBLE. It gave me Corner Gas vibes, except way more corny and with way more sexuality injected into the plot for… well, no reason really. All of the characters irritated me, but I couldn't stop watching it.

That said, I could just feel the lack of chemistry when they were on-screen together. Bleh.

The song was cute, but it went on WAY too long. And I thought that was supposed to be the joke, but I don't think it actually was. :\

I liked this episode, a LOT! It had a lot of really silly humor but it all worked. I loved the alternate flashbacks with Marshall as Barney and Lily as Robin.

Nice half-hour popcorn fare. I have to say, the animation was really STUNNING, especially for a half-hour TV special. A couple scenes were venturing into uncanny valley until I blinked a couple times and realized what I was looking at.

There was a lot of the episode I liked (as long as I don't think too hard about some of the plot holes), but that ending really killed it for me.

Six! Six Down Votes! Ah-ah-ah!

I still feel like Amy and Raj should be a thing. At least for a season or something.

Penny in that outfit = yowza!

That skull-squishing scene was really something. Ew.