
Hopefully ALL the rest of the songs on the album are better than the shallow waste-of-time that is Get Lucky. Talk about repetitive songwriting that goes nowhere. Ugh.

I forgot to mention how much I liked the promotion video the sleazy guy put out. I LOVED the quick cuts of kids obviously barely hitting the ball to the shot of the ball flying out of the stadium. And the 8 mph turning into 92 mph. Amazing.

It's right in the review, but:

AMAZING episode. Dang it, but if everybody on this show isn't extremely loveable. Louise screaming at the top of her lungs in the crowd, Tina's coffee high and angry low, Gene's innocent determination, Bob's everyman frustration and short temper, Linda's gusto for her family. The quiet dignity line was PERFECT, too.

Weak, weak episode. Even last week's was better. That penis joke was just one of the most desperate bits of humor I've ever heard, too.

I dunno, this was a really interesting movie. As CGI as some of the set pieces were, they really portrayed a vibrant, bustling, living New York. I was a bit overwhelmed by the multiple quick cuts at the beginning of the movie, but I got used to it. The soundtrack worked for me, and I'm not even a big rap fan. TGG was

Okay, so after watching the movie I remember the pre-release stories about the partnership with China for the movie. Was there even any scenes that took place in China? Were there any Chinese characters? What exactly was that all about?

The 47,000 earths was clever, until I realized he could have just told the computer to go to the Milky Way earth. -_-

Loved that stock price gag. Classic but effective.

The off-screen debut of the non-regular sized Rudy was PERFECT. The fact they didn't even show all of him was what made it great and is a sight gag that is rare in today's prime time cartoons.


The animation has definitely been a lot better the past (two) season(s) — ever since the taffy episode, I've noticed. I thought this episode had some GREAT animation of Louise pulling on her hat nervously and her facial expressions were amazing.

It's a good thing Sheldon never watched Freakazoid as a kid, otherwise the Candle Jack episode might have

Cute episode. The squirting blood was a bit Family-Guy-esque, but it was funny how characters like Linda reacted to it.

I tried to like this film, but it felt like every big reveal that SHOULD have elicited gasps from the audience was a "meh" or a "saw that coming". Even the big line before blowing up the Tet was met with dead silence from the audience, and I just found it silly (but not silly enough to laugh at).

This was an…interesting episode. I agree that it just didn't have the same… 'something' as most of the other BB episodes this season. It was still a good watch, but I found myself a bit bored through parts of it, which hasn't happened in quite a while.

The ONLY thing I liked was the King of the Hill bit. Everything else was just so bad. It would have been a MUCH better twist if it turned out at the end that the 'feral Peter' was just some other guy and Peter had been living somewhere else in Canada and was fine. But, y'know, expecting something different (that isn't

S&M…it's fun for the whole family!


It was great how they 'resolved' the love triangle. In any other sitcom/cartoon, it always would have been one guy made some mistake, didn't deserve it, etc. and the other guy would have been the winner. The fact that Tina chose them both and then got very soundly rejected was quite a twist that I should have seen