Wallet Inspector

For those who care about such things, Off Color was founded by the beautiful weirdo John Laffler, who ran the barrel program at Goose Island, overseeing Bourbon County Brand Stout, which is widely considered the country's first bourbon barrel aged stout. He started Off Color specifically to avoid doing the more

But it's obviously blue and gold. Both sides are horrifically incorrect.

Not doing justice to boxes is what landed many of these intimacy-starved couples on this program in the first place.

So glad they included Dom Irrera. He doesn't show up on too much these days, but was GOAT on Dr. Katz. I wish I was able to make it to Austin to see this!

In the end, there were schools that were punished for ticket scalping which ended up with harsher sanctions than what Penn State served. A systematic culture of covering up child rape under the auspices of a practically sacrosanct head coach, and they got off lighter than if they had enacted minor recruiting

Exactly right. The only ones who came out of that debacle worse than Sandusky/Paterno were Penn State students, who clearly and unequivocally displayed they care(d) far more about their precious football coach folk hero than rape victims, and the NCAA, which made a big stink about sanctions and then quietly and

I don't know if this was a regional thing - I learned the song in suburban Kansas - but people elsewhere tend to be insanely impressed when I can name all fifty states, and in alphabetical order to boot (all secretly thanks to the song). It's won me many a bar bet.

I wasn't as blown away by Birdman as some, but I really dislike that review. I don't disagree with every bit of the criticism, but frankly Tobias really does appear to take the depiction of the critic terribly personal, and it clouds the review in an ugly way. And it begins from a place of such predetermined judgment

I'm still not much of a fan of the game (it seems like it would be more fun to actually play than to listen to), but I do love how Scott is always the only one who really tries to take it seriously, much to his own frustration.

Man. I feel legitimately bad for Sean. Coming of age just in time to a) put his own name to a piece of internet criticism, and b) be on a site where he's employed with people reviewing the same TV program as him growing up!.

I had a partner who said Holy Crap during sex a lot, but to be fair, it was Strong Bad.

At some point, you can just go ahead and change the name of this feature from Great Job, Internet! to Another Perfunctory Mash-Up, Internet!

Kyle Kinane had one of my favorite tweets last year: "Craft beer tastes like the comment section of The AVClub."

On an related topic, it's perhaps not an indicator of judicious intelligence to actively click on a weekly article devoted to professional football in order to complain about news coverage being devoted to professional football.

I too am surprised by how acrimonious people seem to be towards her. Are you all under the impression that all the other financier producers (the vast, vast, VAST majority of whom, unlike Ellison, are bankrolling uniformly terrible pictures) all pulled themselves up by their bootstraps without any familial advantages

I can't disagree with any of the criticism of the film's manipulative filmmaking, preachiness or dated qualities. But all I can say is that over a decade ago - when criticism of George Bush and the war on terror was still considered much more off limits in large parts of the country - seeing this film as a Pakistani

Where's Ducktales Moon Theme?? Although I guess that was a pretty good game. . . but compared to the Moon Theme the game itself it was a pile of puke.

I'm a beer geek and a craft brewery owner, but I couldn't agree more. Sam Adams does perfectly executed and accessible brews. I'm endlessly grateful for their existence.

Well, it's certainly a good thing you didn't listen to it and decide for yourself!

I feel like the Cosby influence on Hibbert is so clear that I'm a bit baffled that some people missed it, but. . . . on the other hand, the fact that it IS somewhat less heavy handed is an indication of the strength of that era Simpsons over later years.