Wallet Inspector

Any ranking that doesn't have Schizopolis as #1 is inherently flawed. Nose army.

Not sure if you'll see this now that it's been a month or so after the post, but comments like these are why I still come back to the AVClub. Wow - so insightful, thoughtful, and perfectly articulated. I appreciate very much your taking the time to compose and contribute such an amazing and interesting perspective to

My gym's motto, for real, is: "Fewer Meatheads And Hardly Any Dipshits."

This. Age plus weight history can be a bitch. I was morbidly obese as a teen, but lost over a hundred pounds in college in the course of a couple years and ended up about 180 (at 6'2"tall, so relatively skinny). That was great for almost a decade: but in my early 30s, despite my dietary/activity habits being identical

Your point is far less discussed on the consumer end, but IMO as a craft brewery owner, the implications of InBev/MillerCoors/etc buy-outs are much more keenly felt on the distribution end than the quality of product end. It's way more behind-the-scenes, but the obvious impact is that 1) as these newly acquired brands

There's another grilled cheese + tomato soup franchise called Tom & Chee and they are even worse. Grilled cheese is like pizza in that 1) even a bad one is still good, and 2) it's hard to fuck up, but T&C manages to come perilously close to disproving both those axioms.

Tom Waits

I love this story.

Both studies were conducted by the Wall Street Journal. Imperfect as they may be, they are vastly more scientific than your posts proclaiming gut-level perceptions of physical activity percentages.

A 2013 study found there are 18 minutes of action in the average professional baseball game. A 2010 study showed there are 11 minutes of action in the average pro football game. Baseball is definitely not the "worst" sport if physical activity is your barometer.

It's still good pizza! Almost all pizza is good pizza!

It's not as bad as it's reputation, but then I live in Kansas City so people tend to shit on St Louis style pizza simply for being from St Louis as much as the provel cheese and preparation. Still, the actual ranking of regional pizza styles goes:

Never been to Burt's, but I'll have to add it to the list for next time.

Webster, since I usually stay in Lincoln Park and that way I can have a beer at Local Option and then head over to Pequod's.

Not a Chicago native but as a semi-frequent visitor, my must-stop, best of the best Chicago deep dish pizza choice is always Pequad's. The less dense, caramelized crust there is incredible, and it's so much more laid back than the zoos that are Lou Malnati/Giordano's/Uno.

I've recounted this tale on the AVClub before but I have a Nicholas/Kelly Brendon story that applies here. I was at my regular beer bar one afternoon some time ago, and I did a bit of a double take to see that both of them were sitting towards the end of the bar (this was back when Nicholas was still drinking

The only piece of information we have is that is has the most insufferably self-indulgent title in the history of insufferably self-indulgent one person plays, 'So Long Boulder City'

I'm going to with the official dictionary definition instead of something "made up".

CBB Live Tour were the source of so much joy for me in 2016 and made it worth subscribing to Howl all by themselves. On a semi-related note, the Generations episode of With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus was the funniest podcast of the year for me.

This is what prevents me from enjoying this kind of thing anymore. Typically laughing at those in power and their misdeeds has always seemed like a healthy and even effective way of dealing with the horrifying agendas they hope to enact.