Wallet Inspector

Completely disagree. I was ready to write-off that episode, since I love Horatio's character work on CBB but didn't think it would be terribly interesting without him doing a bit, but I'm always surprised by how much I enjoy shows where guests who typically do characters are on as themselves. And generally that is

He had a longstanding storytelling engagement at Vidiots in Santa Monica, if I recall correctly, and he was always fantastic. As great at telling stories as he was at disappearing into roles.

I posted this over on the TI Forums, so apologies if mentioning it again comes across as shameless self-congratulation, but since the first place I really mentioned it was the comment section of a TI Index article over a year ago I felt the need if just for the sake of symmetry:

If you're talking about the guy in the hat (misidentified as possibly BJ Porter above), it's apparently writer Eric Hoffman.

Never tell me the odds! (Of a Star Wars franchise film installment being well attended at the box office, because it's a pretty obvious thing to tell me)

If you want to do it super classy and dressed to the nines, go downtown to the Edison. If you want to stumble around along with a fun loving like-minded crowd, go somewhere on Sunset in WeHo.

I haven't seen Selma yet but I read the Paul Webb minus Ana DuVernay version back in 2009, and while there were certainly some off-kilter things, I thought more things were working than weren't. Chief among the things not working, as mentioned, was the Hoover stuff - he was supposed to come across as the menacing

And just 339,483 ways, adjusted for inflation.

I hate that Adomian retired his Huell Howser character (except for one farewell appearance) after Howser's death. C'mon, Gourly continues to do H.R. Giger, surely we could peek in on a few adventures through the Huelliverse!

It also bears mentioning that KPUS's Logan Connolly never said he's not a little bitch, and that he is in fact, more Rex Reed than H.L. Mencken.

You're a Good Internet, Charlie Brown

I completely agree with this ranking. Comparative Religion is required holiday viewing at my house, Uncontrollable is entertaining and admirably ambitious but never quite comes together, and Regional is easily one of my least favorite episodes of that season.

Honestly, I can see the theater chain's rationale here.

". . . (J)ust torture. . . a few people. . . tonight." - Dick Cheney

Don't worry: when Billy Joel dies, all of AV Club will profess how
brilliant and meaningful his career was, much like prevailing AV Club
sentiment judged Robin Williams a mainstream hack right up until his
untimely death.

I had a book on the Beatles when I was in high school that went through the background and process behind every song, and at the end of each one they would assign a percentage to John and a percentage to Paul for every track that was credited as Lennon-McCartney (Day in the Life IIRC was 50/50, Honey Pie 100% Paul, I

Could Hanukkah Harry beat up the Chanukah Zombie in a battle for non-denominational dominance? Or would they, more likely, simply settle their differences over apple tea and rugelach?

Lamar Alexander 2.

The Sodaro ep didn't do it for me either. Amanda Calzone is a reasonably funny character, but it's a veeery slim bit that pretty much ran its course during her initial CBB appearance for me. Betsy Sodaro is hilarious everywhere else I've caught her, but there was no concept at all to her show itself, making it feel

I enjoyed the Pie Minister greatly, but I was a little bummed because Cake Boss (Cake Boss!) is my favorite PFT charac, and showed up only briefly before being possessed by H.R. Giger's demon on his last appearance, and not at all here.