
* The Simpson's

Okay, where's the Cocaine gimmick account when we need it? I need to know what it thinks about crack.

Howerton is actually just a pretty good actor. I really liked him when he was on the first season of Fargo. I haven't really seen him in anything else, though, which is a shame.

My assumption is that he had probably $10mil., but that's always been a guess. It's wild enough that he could keep financing schemes and a failing bar, but not so wild that it would defy all possibility.

The skins are the most interesting part of the animal, though.

Charlie is basically just a five year old in a pushing-forty man's body. It's less "good" and more "just straight adorable even when destructive."

Edda know.

I just ran through Vol. 2, and I need to get Vol. 3. It's so engrossing, and I just go through it too fast!

All Le Guin is fantastic. I just re-read the Earthsea books last year (or the year before, can't remember), and they were even better than I remembered them being as a kid. Her sci-fi stuff is great, too.

And that is just a straight-up devastating and wonderful album.

Ornette Coleman - Beauty Is A Rare Thing
Freddie Gibbs - How We Do ('93 Til Infinity)
Arctic Monkeys - Library Pictures
Ocean Colour Scene - The Riverboat Song
Lungfish - Black Helicopters
The Red Krayola - Transparent Radiation
The KVB - Kill The Lights
Scott Walker - The Seventh Seal
The Budos Band - Into The Fog
Babu - The

Well, one of my close friends got me Der menschliche Makel for the holidays, which is a German translation of the Philip Roth book, The Human Stain, so I'm pretty excited to dig into that. Other than that, I've just started Avital Ronell's Telephone Book. I knew her a few years back when I lived in New York, and I

I became old the very instant that I realized that I was resolutely awful when I was 20. And I'm only 22 now!

Yes, but how will it impact the Bored To Death movie?

"Like a balloon. And something bad happens."

I should note that anyone can stream WXPN on their website… So far it's the best Bowie-related tribute that I've heard about.

Time takes a cigarette…

Not knowing Bowie? 0/20

They also didn't know that champagne came from the Champagne region of France, so it's not like they were the brightest bulbs anyhow. But Bowie? You can't not know Bowie.

[gathers e-pitchforks and e-torches and storms HipsterDBag's castle]