
The Post is just committed to being objectively the worst thing ever. And I'm sure people in the lower comments have said this already, and you should upvote them instead of me. But I feel like I just need to say that the Post is the worst thing in the world. In all respects.

I'd like to thank Red Letter Media for introducing me to Death Wish III.

Even the evil(?) aliens are worried about the possibility of a Trump presidency.

There's also an Apache helicopter.

I trust No One, but I don't trust Nobody. That guy really dicked over some cyclops.

AKA, at this point in time, now only Bob's Burgers matters on Sunday, which will inevitably be replaced by MacFarlane's latest fart.

Hell, his performances anywhere. He's a great voice actor.

When he's on, he can really be on. Like, he's clearly at least somewhat on-the-ball. But mostly he's just crass and boring and then cashes his paycheck.
Although, I will say that I did not particularly care for this iteration of Cosmos, but I don't blame it on MacFarlane, and I support his desire to bring back quality

Y'know, it doesn't have roughly 90% of bluegrass, classic country, or reggae either. And most of that is pretty awesome, too.

Even if you think he's made up, you probably think Jesus was a pretty cool dude.

Thank God (no pun intended) someone else views this issue this way. I'm not really religious - I left the Church a long time ago, but, yeah, in order to have any sort of grounding in pretty much any topic that is in any way related to the humanities, you need to know the context in which it was created. And up until

Yes. He went on to have a life and expressed a desire to "be creative," noting that the AV Club was a time sink and thus contraindicated for creative pursuits.

You'd prefer something simpler, like "Billy & the Cloneasaurus"?

[moment's later] Hey, who let Sam out of his cage?!

January 1st is a holy day of obligation in Catholicism, which no one remembers, so, really, the war on New Year's has already ended. (And it lost.)

"Don't eat pork, not even with a fork. Can't touch this."

"This AV Club that you left just before your accident, this is a business of some kind?"

Whenever your Dasein reaches its ownmost possibility. The date is irrelevant.

Jack Black keeps taking roles that seem calculated to make me root for a career renaissance (I was somewhat excited for the Jumanji-esque aspects of Goosebumps and The Brink had such a truly stacked cast), but inevitably, they turn out to be flaming piles of garbage. Which is a shame because I find Jack Black to be a

You have to have some level of care and skill to make a fire, though - you can't just throw a pile of crap together and expect it to be successful.